so i might be closing the deal on the job in SC, pretty close to the NC border, and I'm looking for info on the tax structures in each state. I need to know what you're taxed on in each state, and how much. For example, in MI i pay:
state income tax -- 4.4% of federal AGI
property tax -- approximately 1.8% of home value
vehicle registration -- $120 for '03 Ody, $68 for '96 Probe GT (some % of original sale price)
sales tax -- 6%
so if y'all could hit me up with that info, plus any other taxes you pay (not gasoline and liquor, as we've all got those), i'd greatly appreciate it.
SC has a property tax on vehicles based upon value. It is expensive. $75 for my 96 Civic hatch. My wifes 08 Rav4 is about $400 a year(New cars OUCH!)
Sales tax is 6% state wide but many cities add a % or 2 on top of that.
Income tax rates are here
One thing that surprised me about living here is the price of water. It can be $50-$100 a month if I'm watering the lawn(I gave up watering the lawn)..
thanks, ig. has a pretty detailed tax summary by state, but any other pointers, like utility rates, are greatly appreciated for NC and SC.
I will say that overall property tax is very low. I do not know the rate but mine is around 1200 a year for a 200k house.
Property tax can vary a good bit depending on the county you are in. Most counties have web sites where you can check out such information. Obviously living within a city's limits will increase it even more.
One thing to remember if you have kids, NC has a better public college system right now, from a cost standpoint. My brother sent two daughters through UNC-C for a whole lot less than my kids went through Clemson for.
Another quick anecdotal: the area around charlotte is in severe drought and has been for a while. Water costs could go up. Watering lawns and washing cars are probably a no-no. So If you look at homes with toasted lawns, its OK.