10/3/15 10:29 a.m.
Like I mentioned in the "I'm in a damn good mood" thread, I finished and self-published my first novel:
Now, I don't quite know just what I should be doing with it. How can I get it in front of people? How can I promote the thing without sounding pushy and salesy and self-indulgent? Is it the sales equivalent of being passive aggressive to bring it up in outlets like this?
I don't really do any Facebookery or participate in much social media. I have a billion contacts on LinkedIn but this is definitely an adult book. It has death, AIDS, cancer, an office rape, homosexual sex from both sexes... Not graphic. It's not erotica. But it's enough that might make me think that if someone dives into it and gets offended, I do have a concern that it could affect my jobworthiness for new clients or whatever. Then again, if they've already bought it and read it in order to figure that out... Eh, I don't know.
What's the best way for me to own this thing and really succeed with it? Is it really safe nowadays to mix my online presences and personae? How can I get it in front of more people? Personally, I think it's pretty awesome. This is a book I looked for, that I wanted to read, and it didn't exist, so I made it.
How did Hugh Howey do it? Or Andy Weir? Or the 50 Shades lady? That book wasn't even good and look where it went! My book is good! :)
We know me, right? I don't want to be a canoe my own self, and if this is not appropriate, we can kill the thread, or at least the link. Then again, my constantly wondering and being uncomfortable with whether I'm bothering people or being pushy or inappropriate might be part of why I have no idea what to do!
Change a few female character names to Amy and it will practically sell itself!
10/3/15 11:49 a.m.
10/3/15 12:04 p.m.
Ah. How did I miss all of that?
If you don't already, you should be reading Chuck Wendig's blog. He's a sci-fi writer that does read and self publishing and his blog is excellent advice and discussions for writers. Damn funny too. GL!
10/4/15 9:16 a.m.
I replied to you on ADVrider. 
Self publishing on Amazon is an amazing platform to get your foot in the door. The only problem is that everyone and their brother is doing it. It's hard to get your book, as good as it may be, to stand out in a see of A Gronking to Remember. To sell on Amazon, you cant just put the book up there and expect it to do well. You need to promote it on the site and on any social media outlet you can.
So... get it into the hands of bloggers and youtuber people who might like it. Go on goodreads and recommend the book to your friends. Ensure that the profile on GoodReads is Ok. Promote it on Facebook. Put the work in or you will be a footnote in the weeds of self publishing.
Here is a page you should start digging around.
10/4/15 11:24 a.m.
ddavidv wrote:
I replied to you on ADVrider.
I saw, thanks! I followed your page. I'll check out your stuff. It sounds like fun. I dig chicks with guns. :)
10/4/15 11:25 a.m.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine and ultraclyde:
Awesome, I appreciate it. I'll dig into these.
I knew there was knowledge out here to be shared!
10/4/15 11:27 a.m.
I also plan on telling the story of how all the writing, editing, formatting, self-publishing, sequelling, etc, goes. I need to set a new blog up to do it all. I'll include your advices and credit each of you when I get to those parts. Hopefully, that'll be interesting enough to read but not more interesting than the actual book, which is pretty damn interesting and you should all read it. :)
I might pick that book up on my kindle.
10/4/15 12:18 p.m.
I just lowered the price, so wait until it goes down to 99 cents. Or it's available on Kindle Unlimited.
Edit: I just checked the listing and the price has already been adjusted.