The Miata I bought has a hard dog hard bar. Long story short I am too tall. So I am going to sell it seems to be in good shape. Couple of scratches in paint.
It has some hard plastic padding on it.
Looks like it was $250 new?
Any recommendations on what price to try to sell it for?

Probably not much, unfortunately.
Most people who put in Miata roll bars do so for track days. And with no diagonals, no organization is going to approve that for use.
Yeah, this looks like it's decidedly on the mouse trap side of rollbars. Mind you, people also still buy style bars.
I'd start at advertising it for a benjamin and see if there are any nibbles. But as z31maniac says, no good for track days, which really limits the appeal.
To be clear for those who don't know Miata roll bars - the Hard Bar is just the main hoop. No fore-aft or diagonal bracing. That could be added, of course, but it certainly affects the value of the bar. I would not describe this as a roll bar although it does have much better mounting points than the typical style bar. It's sort of in the middle.
One thing to keep in mind when selling roll bars (and similar) is that they are expensive to ship. Selling locally makes them more valuable.
Thanks. For the info. Make sense I don’t really understand why they sell these at all? If they don’t really do anything.
I sold one a while back for $150, but it had a leather cover.
In reply to Somebeach :
Search for and join the Ohio Miata Owners page on Facebook Pretty active place that will help you find a buyer who won't need shipping