8/26/15 3:31 p.m.
Forecast to be here on Monday. So far, not too bad, but they have bad habits of not following forecasts. We will be as ready as we can be. Generator is ready, I have to go get some gas for it. Hurricane food supplies are ready. Hoping hoping hoping it does not get worse that a Cat 1. We can deal with that OK. If it is projected to be a 3 or 4, don't get in my way as we head for safer ground. This area, SoFla, has not had a hit in 10 years, so there are many residents that have no idea what can happen. Arrgghh.
I would have to say there is about a 10% chance of it hitting south FL. I don't think I've ever seen a storm hit where they said it would 5 days in advance. I pretty much ignore the hype until 24 hours out.
Good luck if it does head your way.
Just checked the Weather Underground site, and forecaster discussions there give it a 10% chance of missing the East Coast entirely, a 20% chance of being a landfalling hurricane on the U.S. East Coast, a 30% chance of being a landfalling disorganized mess on the East Coast, and a 40% chance of dissipating by Saturday. I like those odds. Even better, the stronger it gets, the more likely it is to miss us, because a stronger system would be more influenced by some favorable steering currents. So it is extremely unlikely we will see a major hurricane.
Or you could just go with Toyman's theory, which I also subscribe to: There are few places it's less likely to hit than the ones within the cone 5 days out. 
8/26/15 4:11 p.m.
OK, too soon to be really concerned, but I have very unhappy memories of a storm that came through here in 1992. It also did not follow the predictions. Andrew.
My problem is most of the news reports around here sound like they should be sponsored by the milk, bread, TP and plywood companies. Picture person running, screaming, "We're all gonna die!!!"
The last big storm to actually hit us was Hugo in 1989. The news reported on it, stated the facts and moved on with the news. They recommended evacuations of the barrier islands 24 hours out. The local weather guy basically said it was going to hit us and why. The word was we were screwed, batten down the hatches and prepare for the worst. And to be honest, it really FUBARed this city. But there was no hype, just matter of fact reporting about what was happening and what to expect.
Now, the news industry is all about the hype and can't be trusted to actually report on the facts. It's all about the scare tactics and ratings. We'v had several mandatory evacuations for storms that never came within 500 miles of us. It's gotten stupid.
I've gotten to where I check the every couple of days and form my own opinion about where it's going. I'm pretty sure I have as much of a chance of being right as they do, and I'm just guessing.
So...bread, milk, eggs. The same thing that wards off snowstorms apparently works on hurricanes: French Toast.
In reply to Appleseed:
Yep, pretty much. And with the news wanting to name snow storms, y'all get to hear the same crap we get about hurricanes.
just wait until all the Burmese pythons that have taken up residence have to head to higher ground to avoid flooding, the next Cat 3 or higher storm that hits south florida, or even tropical depression that stalls over it, dropping 10"+ of rain, is going to make for some crazy chaos.
If all of your Floridians could please go outside on Sunday and face Cuba, count to three and the blow, we'd be happy to take that hurricane off your hands. Actually blow south east to see if you can slow down the wind while blowing it our way.
We could really use the rain.....
In reply to rob_lewis:
I'm sure there are many in Puerto Rico who would not totally hate being swiped by a hurricane right now.
8/26/15 7:03 p.m.
I'm looking for a storm next year when I'm ready to start looking for a water front investment property.
In the mean time we should be high and dry here in the mountains of west central Florida
Toyman01 wrote:
In reply to Appleseed:
Yep, pretty much. And with the news wanting to name snow storms, y'all get to hear the same crap we get about hurricanes.
it's only the Comcast affiliated networks that name snow storms... so The Weather Channel and any of the NBC channels..