My GRM Box O Awesome arrived today!
This also served to me a remonder to get off my duff here on a cold day and get my box put together. I got the box from the post office just Weds. I'll have it out tomorrow, Sat.
GRM Stickers and shop towels. I think these stickers are "vintage" because the current ones say "hardcore".
3 spectacular hot wheels!
Not just zip ties but metal zip ties!
2 seat belt fasteners and some actually very nice tools. Shot glass/mug of 49ers. Im not sure on the yellow wheel but it seems to be an electric motor and axle
2 very nice AeroCatch closures. How timely. I was just considering some of these for a yet to be announced project. A battery tie down and would you believe I just bought on like it 6 months ago. This too may go on the same project as the AeroCatches.
2 nice bump stops with part number. Yet to research.
Also the gift of Oil psi and Boost! 4 spark plugs that look to be new.
I have not yet figured out who to thank for all this bounty but I will.