Well, since vch let the cat out of the bag, i shall thank him in advance. I think I can actually combine a lot of it into something neat. We shall see.
Onto...the box!
it is not insubstantial. In fact, it is very heavy, and depending on what vch "forgot" there is either a dead animal, or no animal in there. This requires though, and a precise opening tool.
we at first tried a laser. Turns out, it doesn't open boxes for E36 M3. Makes a good cat toy though.
yes, my carpet is dirty. Get off my case.
Barring the use of a laser, and the fact that I'm fairly sureshe would be upset if I ran power tools in her dining room....we had to settle for analog.
after carefully examining the instructions
we proceeded with the opening of the box. The first thing we find?

more instructions! I like this game already.
The letter reads-
Grm 2017 Christmas secret Santa (a bit late) CONTENTS-
-red flashlight w/blue paint. Been in my toolbox for years. Neber could figure out how to change the battery. Blue paint was me, throwing paint.
-wagner wheel studs. No clue what they are for.
-piston- from 460 ford, out of a motor home. Engine went into the tunachuckers 24 hours of lemons Ltd (got new pistons).
- air vent- from a miata?
-red lenses- may be from a miata? Japanese.....
-some rainex (I hear it rains a lot where you are)
-rubber gloves
- oil cap of unknown provenance
-BOLTS. Stainless. I somehow acquired a box of 1000 of these. I am not greedy- share the wealth!
- zippie ties (who can't use these?)
-assorted tools. Love them.
-some electric wire nuts I had laying around from wiring my garage this weekend.
- oil filter of unknown provenance
-(2) Volvo 122 hubcaps (I have dozens...more than any person should.)
Pause for pics- then the last bit, cause this is awesome. 

this is all cool stuff. Not entirely sure if the rainex had stuff in it before, but it does not now. I have a singular plan for much of this, and it's not even regifting. Now For the best part. (Seriously, this is awesome)
MOST IMPORTANT- drink holder thingy. Inside is an EGG. it is fragile. My wife's chicken pooped this out yesterday. Her name is Gertrude. (The chicken, not the wife) this may be the best egg you will ever eat. The chicken eats organic food and hangs out all day with other chickens, eating, pooping, and making eggs. Enjoy!
(I was also curious if I could successfully mail an egg so this will be an interesting experiment. The egg is encased in a Ziploc so if the experiment fails all your other lovely treasures won't be covered in organic chicken butt nuggets. ). Also, I hope you aren't vegan. If you are, feel free to release the egg to the wild.
(and sorry this is so tardy)
-mike (Volvoclearinghouse)

great success!
Seriously, that's awesome. Swmbo is an egg enthusiast, and currently at work, making dreams come true for anyone with 5 grand to blow at a theme park. We shall cook it when she returns.
The late box is totally forgiven. Even florida got winter this year, I can only imagine how bad the rest of the country is.