A wild package appeared!!

Despite it clearly being labeled USPS, it arrived in one piece and didn't appear to have been molested.
I just used my pocket knife to open it. My apologies for the pictures. My wife has a very nice camera with several different lenses and I know how to use none of it properly.

My first copy of GRM Magazine! A little outdated but its new to me.

A look inside.

Safety third! Some goggles I'll try to remember to use, a hammer (awesome, I needed a new one), a storm trooper pez dispenser, an unmarked green lanyard, magnetic toys I'll have to hide from the 18 month old, some flex tape (I don't know what it is for but looks quite handy), a golf towel (I think thats what they are called), a microfiber cloth, and some big AF zip ties.

JB Weld FTW, tire patches and tools, a little belt (for a lawn mower?), and some Star Wars cards for a game I haven't gotten addicted to yet.

Again, bad pictures. Anyway. A really cool "Pet Tornado", A fairly heavy bracket of some kind (my guess is an office chair), some magnetic hooks that look super handy, a Kumho coozy (really fun to say), a magnifying glass thing that I hope is for killing ants, and a set of locking lug nuts that I really hope fit a chevy because the chrome wheels on the corvette need to look more valuable before I sell it. And a Triumph hat, which even for a non hat wearer, is a real triumph in itself. ...I'm not sorry.

Various USB cables/adapters/chargers, a postcard that my wife loves, another big zip tie, a fan?, some toggle bolts I already have a use for, and a promising looking book.

A bag of hardware with masonry anchors, a thing for webcam security, an unfortunately broken wooden disk, a really cool card, some decals (office 365 and flyin miata), stickers, and a patch that makes me a specialist at small business.
Awesome haul! Thanks Greg Smith! Happy new year everyone!