In reply to Hungary Bill :
I was curious because I started an almost identical gift exchange out of blue ( i.e., standard flat rate shipping boxes, gifting things you have laying around, etc) back in 2008 on pelican parts forum. I hadn't seen it done anywhere and it was initially met with skepticism but turned out to be one of fun Christmas traditions for a lot of folks.
Not trying to take any credit but I've seen a lot of spinoff on a number of forums...ironically mostly on car forums. I guess that's testament car guys have a common trait that they hang to old crap
Hungary Bill said:
WonkoTheSane said:
Hmm.. I'm all out of rotor housings with scored up rotors... What to do this year?
It's not too late!
You can do it, I have faith
Good suggestion.. Let me see what I can janky together...
I thought I had a pretty sweet collection of- gifts- set aside, but I still had to dig a little deep this year.
Ovid_and_Flem said:
In reply to Hungary Bill :
I was curious because I started an almost identical gift exchange out of blue ( i.e., standard flat rate shipping boxes, gifting things you have laying around, etc) back in 2008 on pelican parts forum. I hadn't seen it done anywhere and it was initially met with skepticism but turned out to be one of fun Christmas traditions for a lot of folks.
Not trying to take any credit but I've seen a lot of spinoff on a number of forums...ironically mostly on car forums. I guess that's testament car guys have a common trait that they hang to old crap
Oh sure. Trying to steal my glory
Actually, now that you mention it I need to find that forum and see if they know anything about this Mercedes caliper issue I'm having. I ordered one for my car but it doesn't match what I have installed (none of the ones listed for my car look like what I have). I bet Pelican would be the place to find out what's going on.
Almost finished getting everything together. I started right after last year collecting, just waiting on my name and to bake some cookies.
Someone's going to be very lucky this year.
12/18/17 9:08 p.m.
Getting everything together. Whoever gets my box will either be either very happy or very annoyed. I'd say very confused, but on this forum probably not.
12/19/17 12:21 a.m.
Wow. I got my name. That's a tall order. I hope I do not disappoint.
The list has been scrambled and all the names are out!
(If you didn't get my e-mail please let me know so I can get that fixed.)
This year we had almost 60 participants, but if you wanted to play and haven't signed up yet it may not be too late. Just send me an e-mail with the info and if we get enough people (ie: 3 or more) we can still get you in the mix.
Cheers guys! Merry Christmas and thank you everyone for playing! I really cant wait to see what sort of crap we can push through the postal system this year
(This is where I bite my nails hoping no one got skipped, or (worse yet) that I didn't send anyone their own name and address )
I hope I can get my box together and out before we leave for the holiday weekend on Friday... I need to grab the box itself from the Post Office so I can see just how big I can make what I want to on the Makerspace's vinyl cutter...
I got my name! And I have a pile of crap heaped up! I'm looking forward to all the haul pics!
I got my name too. I need to get some crap together. It's unlikely I can get enough interesting things together before we leave, so some poor bugger is going to have to be sad until almost the middle of Janauary. Sorry about that.
I got my name. And I also happen to be parting out a miata currently that should be done by the weekend. Hmmm. I suspect there will be some fun parts in there...
12/19/17 1:40 p.m.
Got my name. Should have all of the junk in a box by tomorrow, hopefully will be in the mail by then too
Pile of stuff? check. Box? check. Name? check.
Time to get to the post office? Not quite yet.
Yep, I got my recipient, too. Now to start cleaning my office/filling a box.
Got my name yesterday, but I don't have any idea what I am going to send, but I've got stuff, so I should be able to put together something.
Name received, properly stalked, partially determined gift. The rest TBD!
Boxed up and ready to be sent to the victim tomorrow.
It's heavy, I hope it makes it in one piece.
I've got my victim's name, the box is sealed and in the car. Post office right after work today.
For the record, I'm not sorry.
In reply to AClockworkGarage :
My package will go out today or tomorrow.
12/20/17 8:42 a.m.
I think I've got it all together. Just need to get another box as the current one is iffy. WIll put it in the mail tomorrow
Mine will go out tomorrow also.
My package was shipped today. It should reach its destination Sat. Dec. 23 by 8pm (!).
Said the clerk at the USPS when I handed it to him, "Wow, you got your money's worth out of that box!"
I am planning to hit up the flea market this weekend for some last minute items. Plan to ship mine out on Monday.
Rather than starting a separate thread for the receiving end of things, is everyone OK with posting here when y'all get your loot?