Got my victim. Hope to send better stuff than last year (in my defense it was my first time). If it's not raining Friday I might try to hit the pick 'n pull for some last minute shenanigans... 
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
Seems like a good place to continue the fun!
12/20/17 4:59 p.m.
In reply to EastCoastMojo :
That sparkles with me
EastCoastMojo said:
I am planning to hit up the flea market this weekend for some last minute items. Plan to ship mine out on Monday.
Rather than starting a separate thread for the receiving end of things, is everyone OK with posting here when y'all get your loot?
It worked well last year. Better than the half a gifts received thread from the year before.
Despite my car not wanting to come home, I did get my package shipped today, expected Saturday delivery.
I may or may not have used a different members address for the return address, because why not?
Got mine sent out yesterday. I remembered a bunch of stuff sitting around the Grosh, spent $8 at Harbor Freight, I think it's an ok box. I juuuuuuust barely fit it all.
It was enough fun that I'm going to start collecting for next year right now with the plan of grabbing cool things from all over.
Package is on its' way! It'll be the one with the duct tape and the GRM sticker 
Side note for anyone shipping a USPS flat rate box to Canada- keep it light! The postal worker couldn't tell me where the limit was, but 22lbs is heavy enough to have to go as a regular package despite being in a flat rate box, negating any savings you were hoping to get by using their box in the first place.
Probably shouldn't say "bombs away" because mail and all. But y'all get the idea.
I promise there isn't anything combustible in there. But there is some rust. Its amazing how many "awesome gifts" I've accumulated.
Edit: I'm pretty sure a Type 1 VW crank would fit in a flat rate box.... If only I hadn't thrown it away last month.
12/21/17 9:39 a.m.
In reply to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :
I believe in the Medium flat rate box, international weight limit is 20 lbs.
Mine is away. Should arrive saturday.
The recipient should refrigerate it right away. or, you know, just throw it away immediately.
Ironically this thread reminded me that I need to put a hold on our mail for the weekend while we're gone to the Frozen North to spend Christmas with the in-laws. Bleh.
Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to get my box together and off until next week, but it hopefully will still arrive by New Years, so hopefully it will be worth the wait.
I am hoping to ship mine out early next week, just need to pile everything into the box then get it sent on its way! Hopefully the recipient enjoys it!!
Why work when you can stalk the board to tie a name to a screen name? Feeling pretty proud that I figured it out. Box goes out in the morning!
12/21/17 11:32 a.m.
I'm in the sending it out next week camp. I need the time during my vacation to get (in)appropriate items gathered.
I thought we were supposed to get the person's screen name so we COULD easily do the research..
I hope I correctly deciphered the identity of my victim, otherwise...There may be some confusion.
Mine will go out next week!
12/21/17 1:04 p.m.
My box is running a few days behind. I got a little nuts yesterday and started a thing.
I'm lagging a few days, but hope to have mine out by Saturday at latest. Might have to grab a few extra things to throw in there.
Just got mine ready. I'll send it out on my way to work tomorrow.
AClockworkGarage said:
Mine is away. Should arrive saturday.
The recipient should refrigerate it right away. or, you know, just throw it away immediately.
From the earlier pics, if it didn't stay in the frigid north for the entire trip a dumpster is the best bet...
In reply to bluej :
I thought the same thing last year (my first year), but nope. It's just a wing it and see what happens kind of affair. That makes it hard (for me anyway) to pick the crap I'm shoving in a box.
Okay. Box jammed full of stuff (E36 M3) and sealed.
I realized that the whole real name in your screen name movement put a dent in the anonymity thing.
I really just need to raid my garage space for some left over goodies from some of my brothers projects / repairs and I think I should have a decent box of 'stuff' to ship out.
Now I feel real bad, mine got here already. Unboxing pics to come soon. Unless I'm supposed to wait.
EDIT: I'll hold off to not be the first to post his haul. But I will say that I won't be sending mine out today because I feel like I need to step my game up.
12/22/17 1:22 p.m.
I've been bad. My box is still sitting in my basement, ready to be sent out.
Daylan, post pics. Someone has to be first.
In reply to Daylan C :
Post 'em up! No shame in being first to receive, plus those who haven't yet shipped may get some ideas/inspiration from your loot.