8/15/09 12:53 p.m.
Well, we made it till the middle of August without a hurricane here, but now it looks like two of them have Florida in thier sights. Time to get gas for the generator, stock up on canned food, make the usual preparations. The media will start to go nuts soon, screaming that we're all going to be blown away, showing video of the mobs at Home Depot. I wonder if they don't just show video from two years ago. When Cantore shows up I'll start to really worry.
8/15/09 2:52 p.m.
Oh noes!!!!!
This is one of the times that I don't miss living in Florida.
And I still want to move to Florida...
8/15/09 3:17 p.m.
I have lived in Florida most of the last 30 years. Love it and hate it. July and August are miserable with heat and humidity. Motorsports are great with lots of tracks running 12 months a year. I don't like having to learn another language. Parts are pure redneck, some pure New York, some Havana. Food is great, any kind you want. But the freakin' storms, no. Don't like that part.
Lemme see, Florida: 95 degrees and same humidity in May, cockroaches and other insects which laugh at RAID and can require small bore handguns to slow down, sand everywhere (meaning dirt bike trails develop HUGE sand whoops), 3 feet is considered an 'elevation change', BIG assed alligators, and way more hurricanes than we see here, nope think I won't move any further south, thankyaverramuch.
cwh wrote: ... showing video of the mobs at Home Depot.
This is something I've always wondered about...if you board up your windows for a hurricane, what happens to the plywood afterwards? I'd think people would save it for the next storm, but based on those news reports apparently a lot of people don't.
Not a good time to watch the weather channel. 24/7 hurricane gets boring. Someone let me know , when it gets within 100 miles of Charleston or not. Genny is fueled, got a well for water and food in the freezer, I'll notice the wind blowing eventually. 
Living at the shore, we had plywood for our windows. We kept it too, nice and stored in the attic of the garage for the time the inevitable storm comes along.
I guess people reuse it for building projects or the kids steal it to make skateboard and bike ramps?
8/16/09 8:24 a.m.
Well, as of this morning it looks more like Bill will come to visit Charleston that Ft. Lauderdale. Sorry about that. Ana is headed for Cuba and Jamaica. Too early to tell anything for sure, but they are saying that Bill might turn nasty- CAT3. That level of a storm requires your complete attention.
Those damn Bills. First Clinton, now this.
The 8/16 NOAA Advisory 5 seems to indicate it will pass between the East Coast and Bermuda, assuming it makes the northward turn that 99% of these things do.
If it doesn't, I have a tank of gas and a credit card, I'm ready. 
Jensenman wrote:
sand everywhere (meaning dirt bike trails develop HUGE sand whoops)
It makes it real easy to put the Geo in the air. (Actually, that happened last night.)