Well, I've bought and sold a few items on eBay with increasing comfort, but I just took a huge step by listing my BMW on there. Would anyone like to critique my listing (or perhaps buy the car wink wink)? It's already going for over $2009 dollars, so sorry Challenge guys. 
Z3 Roadster
2/24/09 12:16 a.m.
I think that I am forced to buy this. Not because I especially want it, but because it is Calypso red. Calypso Red BMW's tend to end up in our garage. We have two already. and a Volvo of nearly the same color.
Good luck... fun cars.
I'd really like to own the coupe...but not happening with 3 kids
wish I had the scratch.. I have a calypso red ti.. I would love a calypso Z3 to match
2/24/09 8:21 a.m.
Well done ad. Lots of good pictures, well done description. You should do well with it. Sure, somebody will want you to ship it to Zimbabwe, but good buyers should respond. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
You've got the good motor in it. I'd much rather buy that one than the 4 cyl BMW Miata.
It's actually sienna red. The only color I like more is Estoril Blue.
2/24/09 3:38 p.m.
confuZion3 wrote:
It's actually sienna red. The only color I like more is Estoril Blue.
Eh... close enough. I actually suspect that it probably replaced Calypso, although I have no proof other than speculation.
You're probably right. I didn't mean to split hairs. LOL.
I'm so excited that people are bidding! It's like somewhere, somebody just fell in love with my car and now they're checking eBay every five minutes just to try to imagine why it will be like to blast up an onramp in their new car, or hug a corner, or to sit in a convertible for the first time! This is fun!
Xceler8x wrote:
You've got the good motor in it. I'd much rather buy that one than the 4 cyl BMW Miata.
nah.. buy the 1.9 and strap the supercharger to it like GRM did their 318is.
lighter front end AND more power. Is there anything else you could ask for?
Great ad. I think it is very well done.
What ballpark are you hoping for price wise?
If I was in the market I would buy from that ad!
But why no engine picture(s)?
Thanks for the input guys. There's one engine picture, but it's the one with the hood up and I know it's not very good. eBay only allows 24 pictures and these were the best that I had.
I'm looking to pay the car off and that has already come to fruition (as long as the ultimate buyer doesn't fail to close the deal). Any extra is just a bonus. I saw one on there of the same year that wasn't an M going for 10,000! I would like to approach that, but I don't expect to. If it gets to around 6,500 or 7,000 I'll be happy.
What should I do about the tires? I'm selling it as-is and I was clear about the fact that two of the tires are at the wear bars. I'm guessing the seller will buy new rubber for it after they buy the car. I have snow tires on Koesi rims that would fit.
is it a no reserve auction?
the reserve was already met.
Nice job on the info, you are a credit to ebay