I believe my comment was in reference to DILYSI Dave's sarcasm not his choice of candidate.
Yes the profanity toward Herman Cain was obvious, I wrote it. Not very subtle there.
Of all the Republicans, I am still a fan of Romney. I think he is centrist enough to get the job done with mixed houses. Like I said Cain is just politically pandering and twisting facts. On top of that using a biblical reference that is even inaccurate.
You meant Fox News instead of Huffington Post right?
Frankly I think they are all pretty much garbage. I would vote none of the above if that was an option.
Just to show how much I believe in the system. My name was on the ballot locally because I disagreed with one of our local county commissioners. After I got his attention he listened to my point of view and hasn't done what he did again.
I say vote'em all out, every term, till they get the message they work for the citizens and not the party/business that is backing them.
So did Herman Cain show his hootus, or is this just a ploy from the dirty tricks department of The Obama Campaign/The Romney Campaign/North Korean Spies.
It looks like Cain asked a woman how tall she was compared to his wife or some crazy stuff in that regard.
When I heard that, I just knew this would resurface. I should have expected you, Snowdoggie. 
He stopped by my work today....some interview or something.
familytruckster wrote:
He stopped by my work today....some interview or something.
Did he show you his hootus?
Telling: There are no specifics other than the settlement amount, which has only been referred to as "five figures"...and not the "almost $100,000" kind. That's 'go away' money, not 'hostile work environment/he raped me like bill clinton" money.
Didn't go near the studio. Just saw him on the studio monitor....
poopshovel wrote:
Telling: There are no specifics other than the settlement amount, which has only been referred to as "five figures"...and not the "almost $100,000" kind. That's 'go away' money, not 'hostile work environment/he raped me like bill clinton" money.
If those "five figures" were in an envelope and there were three envelopes with it....
10/31/11 9:08 p.m.
I was wondering how long it would take for something like this to show up.
This is retarded. Not that I have a stake in this game, but what he (supposedly?) did is no different than what happens at bars across America every day. If people actually use this as a reason to not vote for ANYONE, well jeebus h.
Now, of course, he could have said some REALLY nasty stuff, but the likelihood of that is minimal. Probably were just some chicks looking for a fast cash out. Also, unless there were witnesses, it's just their word versus his.
10/31/11 10:54 p.m.
I don't know if this has been brought up, and I'm not wading through 15 pages of a political thread to find out, but I kinda like entertaining the the thought that Cain actually has no intentions of holding the office of President of the United States, but he just has a lot of money to blow, and this is his way of having fun.
In that context, a lot of his actions begin to make more sense.
HiTempguy wrote:
Now, of course, he could have said some REALLY nasty stuff, but the likelihood of that is minimal.
What if he did? Doesn't keep you off the SCOTUS for the rest of your life. Why keep you out of the White House?
11/1/11 5:44 a.m.
Much ado about nothing, this latest attack.
But, it sure does give Hermie a lot of TV time. Thanks, Enemies of Herman Cain. 
ddavidv wrote:
Much ado about nothing, this latest attack.
But, it sure does give Hermie a lot of TV time. Thanks, Enemies of Herman Cain.
I swear - I came in to the TV room last night and he was singing nonsense on the news. Singing. I have no idea what it was about or why - just that it wasn't the beginning of SNL and he appeared to be serious and no one pulled the trap door lever, rang a gong or hit him with a pie. Maybe more exposure isn't something he really needs.
I know. It's like this time when I walked in the room to see this dickhead on tv in a suit and sunglasses playing saxaphone. I'm told he was the greatest rapist...er...president ever though, so that's different.
11/1/11 9:25 a.m.
I liked Cain when he first came into the spotlight. Now that I'm hearing more about him though, I just think that he is an idiot.
poopshovel wrote:
I know. It's like this time when I walked in the room to see this dickhead on tv in a suit and sunglasses playing saxaphone. I'm told he was the greatest rapist...er...president ever though, so that's different.
Well in fairness he waited until he had it wrapped up before he sprung the sax playing on us.
I didn't vote for him because he didn't inhale. How stupid do you have to be to get the instructions for smoking weed wrong? You don't EXHALE!
I think what Herman is guilty of is not being a professional politician.
He should learn to parse his words, only read prepared statements and repeat talking points and never ever ever make any joke with a woman that might concievably be taken the wrong way. And if you do screw up, check the polls and ask your handlers what to say before you talk to the press and start to sound inconsistent.
Of course there could be a gesture or a tone of voice that made the incident where he was joking about a woman being the same height as his wife that made it worse than it sounded.
poopshovel wrote:
I know. It's like this time when I walked in the room to see this dickhead on tv in a suit and sunglasses playing saxaphone. I'm told he was the greatest rapist...er...president ever though, so that's different.
Not a great sax player. Definitely a sex addict who cheated on his wife.
The rape accusations were questionable from guys on the other side who wanted to drive him out of office, and were never proven.
Guys with power are wealth don't need to rape. The women line up for them. Monica Lewinski actually targeted him.
11/1/11 10:15 a.m.
Snowdoggie wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
I know. It's like this time when I walked in the room to see this dickhead on tv in a suit and sunglasses playing saxaphone. I'm told he was the greatest rapist...er...president ever though, so that's different.
Not a great sax player. Definitely a sex addict who cheated on his wife.
The rape accusations were questionable from guys on the other side who wanted to drive him out of office, and were never proven.
Guys with power are wealth don't need to rape. The women line up for them. Monica Lewinski actually targeted him.
Fair observations, Snowdoggie. Except for the part where both are accused of the same thing and one is exalted while the other is vilified. The double standard is repugnant.
Men with power may not need to rape, but that doesn't mean they don't - even if women "line-up" for them. Then, there are those women who target with the goal of extorting a cash reward. That's why there are different interpretations of "getting screwed".
oldsaw wrote:
Snowdoggie wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
I know. It's like this time when I walked in the room to see this dickhead on tv in a suit and sunglasses playing saxaphone. I'm told he was the greatest rapist...er...president ever though, so that's different.
Not a great sax player. Definitely a sex addict who cheated on his wife.
The rape accusations were questionable from guys on the other side who wanted to drive him out of office, and were never proven.
Guys with power are wealth don't need to rape. The women line up for them. Monica Lewinski actually targeted him.
Fair observations, Snowdoggie. Except for the part where both are accused of the same thing and one is exalted while the other is vilified. The double standard is repugnant.
Men with power may not need to rape, but that doesn't mean they don't - even if women "line-up" for them. Then, there are those women who target with the goal of extorting a cash reward. That's why there are different interpretations of "getting screwed".
Clinton actually cheated on his wife often. I 'm not sure Herman Cain did anything other than say something to a couple of women that might have been taken the wrong way and somebody in his organization thought it was better to pay them off than to suffer the bad publicity. Yep. The other side is going to villify him for it. Guys in his party who are running against him are probably going to villify him too. Then Leno and Letterman will make jokes about him. I guess that's just politics.
11/1/11 10:44 a.m.
In reply to Snowdoggie:
With Cain's case, the (relatively) low settlement figures suggest the plaintiffs were just employing a non-sexual version of the world's oldest profession. In instances of alleged workplace sexual harassment, it is the "de rigueur" practice to offer a pay-off in lieu of litigation. Receiving a cash reward for silence is too often the goal, not justice for a real trangression. Avoiding potential embarrassment is the commonly presumed reason but the real motivator is cost.
The odds are about 50/50 that either the Dems or another Repub candidate exposed the whole mess. If some diligent reporter investigates the source of the story, it will be interesting (but not pretty) to see how the fall-out affects the culprit.
As far as the double standard, you also have to consider who your supporters are. You may not like or approve of the Clinton supporter in Los Angeles who is an atheist and who goes to swingers clubs with his live in partner, but you have to understand that he doesn't care if Clinton cheats on his wife and will vote for him anyway. On the other hand, the conservative Cain supporter in Dallas who is a deacon in his Baptist Church and has been faithful to his wife for 20 years is going to have a problem with Herman fooling around.