fast_eddie_72 wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
No. I would think that the only thing the democratic party has going for it is classifying people as victims. When a black man, like Herman Cain, who identifies himself as a conservative speaks and people listen, democrats panic and attack viciously - not on policy, but on personal issues.
Uhhhh. Wow. There is NO WAY any Democrats are behind any of this. Period. End of story. We WANT him to win the primary and are still hoping he finds a way out of this mess, though his performance at the press conference didn't offer much hope of that. I mean, I can't speak for every Democrat, but all the talking heads on TV were saying the same thing. We're pulling for the guy.
You and I must have different channels. All I'm hearing from CNN and MSNBC are "pizza guy" jokes, he's not really black/he's 'forgotten' that he's black, he's got no chance/has no untention of winning, etc. Which democrat 'talking head' is 'pulling' for him? ALL of them you say???
z31maniac wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
As a white, non-democrat racist, I'm apparently supposed to be upset that this hooker is white(?) Thanks msnbc. Now snowdoggie has his marching orders.
Amazing to me how the Left are the ones who are first to bring up race, yet it's the right who are the racists.
Marching orders? I don't even watch MSNBC. I hate cable TV news. 
11/10/11 9:52 a.m.
ddavidv wrote:
Not so fast...the source is obviously biased, but she does make some good points:
Ann Coulter's Chicago Theory
OMG, Obama must have lent them the top secret government time machine to go back to 1998 and convince those women to make these false allegations! All the pieces are falling into place!
Of course, the most damaging thing to his campaign is not that he did something wrong in the past. This country loves to forgive people no matter how stupid a thing they've done (two words - Marion Barry!), but he's acted so oblivious and remorseless since these things surfaced that nobody on the fence about him will be able to look past it now.
11/10/11 10:08 a.m.
In reply to Josh:
If a man is innocent and falsely accused, what (exactly) does he have to feel remorseless about?
You may right about the opinions of those "sitting on the fence". Time will tell.............
Are you certain you're qualified to judge how others may react? Just askin'.
Josh wrote:
ddavidv wrote:
Not so fast...the source is obviously biased, but she does make some good points:
Ann Coulter's Chicago Theory
OMG, Obama must have lent them the top secret government time machine to go back to 1998 and convince those women to make these false allegations! All the pieces are falling into place!
Of course, the most damaging thing to his campaign is not that he did something wrong in the past. This country loves to forgive people no matter how stupid a thing they've done (two words - Marion Barry!), but he's acted so oblivious and remorseless since these things surfaced that nobody on the fence about him will be able to look past it now.
So I guess that Doc Brown is a Democrat and his DeLorean was actually built in East Germany back in the Communist Era.
Cain should have gone into his press conference, and taken all of 5 minutes to announce that he asked the National Restaurant Association to Release all documents, told the press to have at it, then spent the rest of the time explaining his tax plan, his jobs program and his foreign policy.
Hey, he's got everybody watching to hear the sexy stuff, why not take advantage of it to let everybody know what he would do as President. He missed an opportunity here.
Josh wrote:
ddavidv wrote:
Not so fast...the source is obviously biased, but she does make some good points:
Ann Coulter's Chicago Theory
OMG, Obama must have lent them the top secret government time machine to go back to 1998 and convince those women to make these false allegations! All the pieces are falling into place!
Of course, the most damaging thing to his campaign is not that he did something wrong in the past. This country loves to forgive people no matter how stupid a thing they've done (two words - Marion Barry!), but he's acted so oblivious and remorseless since these things surfaced that nobody on the fence about him will be able to look past it now.
Josh - Why aren't you showing remorse for raping a goat?
I can't imagine that anyone is still defending this clown. Disregarding the line of sexually harassed women (that are all apparently making up stuff because it is fun to get publicly humilated for free) he has left in his wake, he has no viable plans for the country.
Ron Paul may be batE36 M3 crazy, but at least he is honest and has ideas. Can't the Republican fringe go back to supporting him?
Extra Extra, Read All About It!
Otto Maddox touched my pee pee when I was 7. Trust me.
Otto Maddox wrote:
I can't imagine that anyone is still defending this clown. Disregarding the line of sexually harassed women (that are all apparently making up stuff because it is fun to get publicly humilated for free) he has left in his wake, he has no viable plans for the country.
Ron Paul may be batE36 M3 crazy, but at least he is honest and has ideas. Can't the Republican fringe go back to supporting him?
I don't think Ron Paul is batE36 M3 crazy. His Foreign Policy makes more sense than anybody else in the race from either party. Getting rid of the Deparment of Education and a few other government agencies that Rick Perry can't remember the names of might be a good idea too. I disagree with him on the social safety net, but I don't consider that a reason to call him batE36 M3 crazy.
Maybe if we stop calling the other side batE36 M3 crazy we could make political discourse in this country a ltittle more civilized. I see some good ideas on both sides of the aisle.
In reply to Snowdoggie:
I am not on a side. I don't think Ron Paul is either. I like that about him. In fact, I don't really think there are sides. There is basically one party that supports Wall Street and the military industrial complex. All the liberal/conservative banter is just to keep the proletariat preoccupied.
In reply to Otto Maddox:
Ron Paul is honest? So when he loads a bill full of as much pork as he can then votes against it knowing it will pass anyway so he can get all his pork while decrying how bad pork is thats honest?
The fringe does support him still Cain is supported by the mainstream excluding the establishment career pols and their mouth pieces.
In reply to Snowdoggie:
Ron Paul is crazy. The man thinks the CIA took over everything in a shadow coup.
11/10/11 11:28 a.m.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Extra Extra, Read All About It!
Otto Maddox touched my pee pee when I was 7. Trust me.
And yet he is remorseless!
11/10/11 11:30 a.m.
tuna55 wrote:
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Extra Extra, Read All About It!
Otto Maddox touched my pee pee when I was 7. Trust me.
And yet he is remorseless!
He hasn't denied it, either!
Why are you guys talking about weenies again? 
Type Q
11/10/11 12:20 p.m.
Snowdoggie wrote:
Why are you guys talking about weenies again?
Maybe they got hit on the head recently.
11/10/11 12:23 p.m.
Josh wrote:
OMG, Obama must have lent them the top secret government time machine to go back to 1998 and convince those women to make these false allegations! All the pieces are falling into place!
After reading that article, I love it of how you can accuse an innocent man (with nothing but phoney, money hungry woman looking to get some cash) of assault, and then completely dismiss some pretty large "coincidences" that the article points out.
Something fishy going on here...
oldsaw wrote:
Hey, if you girls are feeling left out and need attention, just claim the pizza guy put his hands up your skirts and call this lady:
You'll make millions.
Can someone explain how this gooey stain on society actually makes money? Does manipulating elections make her money?
The last time I saw her, she was making a VERY obvious manipulation of the California Gubernatorial election... strangely, those charges never seemed to go anywhere after the election.
How that (woman) has any respect for herself is beyond my comprehension!
Everybody is still avoiding the main issues - Cain lacks an understanding of taxes, foreign policy, basic math, etc.
Otto Maddox wrote:
Everybody is still avoiding the main issues - Cain lacks an understanding of taxes, foreign policy, basic math, etc.
You do realize the guy has a bachelors degree in math coupled with a masters in computer science, and spent his younger years calculating ballistic trajectories for the Navy, right? You may not like his numbers, may disagree with the assumptions, etc., but to say he doesn't understand basic math is a bit disingenuous, no?
11/10/11 1:29 p.m.
In reply to DILYSI Dave:
You forgot to mention that Cain has a pretty solid grasp on taxation, too.
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
Everybody is still avoiding the main issues - Cain lacks an understanding of taxes, foreign policy, basic math, etc.
You do realize the guy has a bachelors degree in math coupled with a masters in computer science, and spent his younger years calculating ballistic trajectories for the Navy, right? You may not like his numbers, may disagree with the assumptions, etc., but to say he doesn't understand basic math is a bit disingenuous, no?
DILYSI Dave wrote:
Otto Maddox wrote:
Everybody is still avoiding the main issues - Cain lacks an understanding of taxes, foreign policy, basic math, etc.
You do realize the guy has a bachelors degree in math coupled with a masters in computer science, and spent his younger years calculating ballistic trajectories for the Navy, right? You may not like his numbers, may disagree with the assumptions, etc., but to say he doesn't understand basic math is a bit disingenuous, no?
Probably explains his campaign performance. He's a math/computer geek. We like actor or trial lawyer candidates who are smooth public speakers.