1/30/15 4:22 p.m.
Yeah, you're damn right it is!
You guys notice the end of last night's episode ("Edie's Wedding") was a shot-for-shot, line-for-line homage to the end of "The Right Stuff"?
This is in addition to the shot-for-shot remake of a Magnum, P.I. scene they did in the "Placebo Effect" (Terms of Enrampagement) episode.
HA! I thought it was the best episode of yet of this new season.
I love Archer. Can't wait until the new season hits Hulu :)
Will wrote:
Yeah, you're damn right it is!
You guys notice the end of last night's episode ("Edie's Wedding") was a shot-for-shot, line-for-line homage to the end of "The Right Stuff"?
This is in addition to the shot-for-shot remake of a Magnum, P.I. scene they did in the "Placebo Effect" (Terms of Enrampagement) episode.
Duh, and/or hello!
Last week's episode heavily borrowed from "The Eiger Sanction". Then there's the various references to Gator, Smokey and the Bandit, The Six Million Dollar Man, and various others that I probably missed even though I've watched the whole series 3 times.
I don't love Archer. I'm obsessed with Archer.
1/31/15 8:53 a.m.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
Will wrote:
Yeah, you're damn right it is!
You guys notice the end of last night's episode ("Edie's Wedding") was a shot-for-shot, line-for-line homage to the end of "The Right Stuff"?
This is in addition to the shot-for-shot remake of a Magnum, P.I. scene they did in the "Placebo Effect" (Terms of Enrampagement) episode.
Duh, and/or hello!
Last week's episode heavily borrowed from "The Eiger Sanction". Then there's the various references to Gator, Smokey and the Bandit, The Six Million Dollar Man, and various others that I probably missed even though I've watched the whole series 3 times.
I don't love Archer. I'm obsessed with Archer.
It's the less obvious stuff that's more fun, though. Everyone knows "The Archer Sanction" is going to spoof "The Eiger Sanction." But that Right Stuff tribute? That kind of thing is just an Easter egg for movie nerds.
i just love the fact that in the area of Green Bay, WI you can rent a mid 70's Lincoln Continental..
and Pam was kind of a badass towards the end there. i love the show, but it does get kind of old watching everyone bicker and act like children over everything and having someone get serious every once in a while just makes it better in every way.
One if my favorite shows. They've only got up to season 4 on Netflix though, so that's as far as I've gotten.
1/31/15 11:49 a.m.
novaderrik wrote:
i just love the fact that in the area of Green Bay, WI you can rent a mid 70's Lincoln Continental..
They deliberately fudge the timeline on the show a bit. It's not supposed to be present day--I've heard the producers say they wanted it to have a Mad Men-era vibe, but they let cell phones in for the sake of storytelling. That way they don't have to have characters finding a payphone every time they need to talk.
When someone calls my cell you hear mullato butts
Absolutely best of the season so far
wearymicrobe wrote:
When someone calls my cell you hear mullato butts
Absolutely best of the season so far
This used to be my ring tone as well. Love it whenever it started in meetings, my superiors, not so much 
In reply to Will:
I love the totally mixed era feel of the show. The best was the episode with the Italian PM and Malory asks Sterling "What decade do you think this is?" From what I understand, that was a nod to the time ambiguity. Woodhouse is a WWI vet, Burt Reynolds was young Sterling's hero, the cars are mostly 60's/70's, they use mostly modern technology, and the USSR is still in existence.
they are always complaining about the antique computers and other equipment around the ISIS HQ, but everyone has a smart phone..
also, hats off to them for not changing the name of the agency in the new season due to that certain other group in the news that shares it's name: it kind of looked like they were going to in the beginning of the season premier when they were doing the remodel, but they kept it as it was..
novaderrik wrote:
they are always complaining about the antique computers and other equipment around the ISIS HQ, but everyone has a smart phone..
also, hats off to them for not changing the name of the agency in the new season due to that certain other group in the news that shares it's name: it kind of looked like they were going to in the beginning of the season premier when they were doing the remodel, but they kept it as it was..
Well, if you notice, they haven't said "ISIS" at all this season. There was just the background shot of the old logo being hauled away.
Tom_Spangler wrote:
novaderrik wrote:
they are always complaining about the antique computers and other equipment around the ISIS HQ, but everyone has a smart phone..
also, hats off to them for not changing the name of the agency in the new season due to that certain other group in the news that shares it's name: it kind of looked like they were going to in the beginning of the season premier when they were doing the remodel, but they kept it as it was..
Well, if you notice, they haven't said "ISIS" at all this season. There was just the background shot of the old logo being hauled away.
I figured the first episode would have been everyone complaining about having to change the name of the agency, but I guess not....
Best show on TV!
There was an episode where Archer refers to a driving maneuver as a "Triple Needham".