YOU SUCK!! that is all
Sorry, the filter term for dickheads has been taken by Chase Bank in a previous rant thread of mine.
Appleseed wrote: Sorry, the filter term for dickheads has been taken by Chase Bank in a previous rant thread of mine.
Just had a truck company named Barnca come through. I don't know. Something about futbol and "no speeka' da' Engliz.."
EDIT: Sorry, was that off topic?
I used a local credit union from the time I had my first savings account until about two years ago. I got frustrated with them because I had enough money in savings to buy a brand new car, yet when I applied for a used car loan they wanted two co-signers. Got pissed and went to RBC, worst decision ever. I stayed at RBC for maybe 6 months. Every last thing about being at a major chain was horrible. Thank god I kept enough money in my local credit union account to keep it open in that time and gladly transferred all of my funds back to the credit union. Never will I ever use a huge chain bank again.
My local bank is acting more and more like the big banks, like $5/mo for a mailed to you on paper statement. Sadly, I have no other options except for the big banks or having to travel 30 min plus away to do banking. Oh and there are no CU's around I can go bank at either.
Yep what he said
HappyAndy wrote: OTOH Local credit unions rock!![]()
I have been with my C.U since I was in middle school (20+ years) we have had a few spits and scrapes over the years, but I am VERY happy with them overall. I was with a large bank for a few years and that was a waste of time and money, the straw that broke the camels back was when they told me it there would be a service charge to talk to a teller.
Paul B
Tried calling PNC today to get loan payoff info...the endless phone chain of voice activated prompts got me nowhere. Finally, after playing stupid, I got a live person. Who gave me a phone number to call that didn't exist.
my mom.. who is on a fixed income.. just bounced a bunch of cheques thanks to BoA. They raised her fees and she didn't notice until the damage was done.
bludroptop wrote: Credit Union Locator I work for a bank, but 99 times out of 100 the credit union is your friend.
I found that 1% when my CU merged with another that isn't as company friendly.
I dunno. I have Bank of America for both my credit card and my mortgage. I have AT&T for my phone. Both are widely held to be The Devil Incarnate, yet I've never had anything but good service from either of them. Do I just lead a charmed existence or something?
mad_machine wrote: my mom.. who is on a fixed income.. just bounced a bunch of cheques thanks to BoA. They raised her fees and she didn't notice until the damage was done.
You know, banks send you letters - usually several of them - explaining what's going to happen when they change your terms. They are legally required to, and thanks to lawyers, those letters are usually pretty clear. It's really not the bank's fault if she glossed over them.
I know this Duke, you know this, so do a lot of people.. but try telling that to a 65 year old who barely know how to use a computer and just spent the last 10 years of her life being the caregiver to an elderly and very infirm mother.
She had a lot of things on her mind
Same thing happened to me. My credit union changed their policy regarding overdraft protection and I was hit with about $50 in fees. I called and waited on hold for about 5 minutes before a nice lady explained the new policy and politely advised me that they had sent out multiple notices.
Then she reversed all of the fees as a one-time courtesy.
Google 'interchange fee cap' if you want to know why all of these new fees are cropping up.
Surprised no one has said it yet, considering the activity in the nearby military thread.
There's just no comparison in terms of their service or downright pleasantness...
Been using a local/regional bank since I was a freshman in college.
Always had good service and they are very strict about who and how much money they loan out.
PNC has been very good to me. I consider it a big bank because I live in Pittsburgh, but compared to BOA I guess it is regional.
Duke wrote: I dunno. I have Bank of America for both my credit card and my mortgage. I have AT&T for my phone. Both are widely held to be The Devil Incarnate, yet I've never had anything but good service from either of them. Do I just lead a charmed existence or something?
I've had good luck and service with BoA for several years now, checking, savings, credit card and mortgage, so you aren't the only one.
I have AT&T for local & long distance, no problems with them so far. Now my parents have had all kinds of issues with AT&T. Enough so that I won't switch my internet or cell phone to AT&T.
When I started with BoA, it was free college checking. By the time I dumped them, it was pushing $15/month in fees. Plus, I didn't like contributing to the company that was mishandling so many accounts, mortgages, etc.
bludroptop wrote: Credit Union Locator I work for a bank, but 99 times out of 100 the credit union is your friend.
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