From the Dutch contingency to the Ukrainians. I did not see any sunflower seeds.

Now's probably a good time for me to issue my disclaimer since there will probably be more of these going forward: Anything I post on this board will be released through the proper channels, and will be considered "public information" long before it's shared by yours truly. I also do my best not to make predictions on here, but if I do please understand that they're coming from 40-year-old idiot at a keyboard who watches way too much late night television and not from what I'm seeing at work.
There. That should do it.
Bravado aside, we're all becoming increasingly concerned about Russian military retaliation if (or once) Ukraine is sufficiently squashed from the picture. For a while it was really easy for me to get caught up in the moment and I began to humor the idea of a quick Russian defeat (due to lost morale, etc). But seeing the convoys and trainloads of Russian armor still headed into the conflict reminded me that wars are fought on fronts, but they're often won by industry. There are exceptions of course, but the Russians have a DEEP well of military industry that they can draw from. I am no longer humoring any ideas that this will be over any time soon.
Add in that as much assistance as Ukraine has received from the west, there seems to us to be little deterrent afterward that would keep Putin from wanting to continue his attack. He seems pretty adamant (albeit deranged) that he'll be out to punish us all once he's able to. In fact, when I shared the above pictures on FB I received at least one message from a local asking me to be more careful. They're afraid seeing the Pápa tailflash will invite Russian retaliation
Mrs. Hungary and I now have firm lines drawn in the sand concerning when we're going to pack our bags, when we're going to leave, and a basic idea of where we're going to go (Spain).
On the less military side, a local expat school (Quality School International), just finished helping their sister school's students get out of Ukraine and into another location in Bratislava. This is an English speaking school that operates in support of the English speaking service members of our program. They generally have similar schools in all the larger cities around here (Budapest, Bratislava, etc.). Here's what they posted from that experience:

Hungary has stated that it expects to receive 600,000 refugees. I'm seeing reports that estimate 100,00 have arrived so far. Apologies in advance for the photodump, but here are the highlights from what we received back from the border:

Bringing it back locally, I did visit the Ukrainian shopkeeper. He was in high spirits and watching a comedy when I entered. We talked a little and agreed that the world was crazy. No idea how he does it, but that man didn't seem phased one bit...
Interesting times we're living in, that's for sure.
And to FloatingDoc, i did want to say thanks. To all you guys, really. This thread is still an irreplaceable source of info, and an invaluable sounding board. As this has escalated, I can say that the Hungary house has been sufficiently prepared for every step, and this board is 100% the reason. At the risk of contradicting myself, here's hoping for an early and peaceful solution.