The harder sanctions are pressed, the more Putin will lean on China, it seems. At what point does Russia say, hey, we'd rather take Yuan's than Dollars for oil? This could have long lasting and far reaching effects for the U.S.
NATO provoked Putin by talk of bringing in Ukraine, while simultaneously flooding Russia with cash for their gas. Arguably, this was more of a bungle than the WWI - WWII interim. Germany was hit with sanctions that crippled them, but at least they didn't have energy to sell.
Putin is around 70 years old. How many people entering their 8th decade aren't on some sort of medication? Who knows what Olympic-grade steroids this guy is taking. And who knows what for the cancer and Parkinson's.
History, if it's going to be at all accurate, will record that the West pushed Russia into this, post Berlin wall. How does it end? I'm watching a 40 mile long Russian line marching on Kyiv, and discussions about tactical nuclear weapons. Russia may need to be crushed completely and rebuilt- like Germany or Japan post 1945.
I still havent figured out 100 pct what China's playbook reads like here. Their economy is 10x that of Russia's, and roughly as big as the US. Keeping everyone but themselves mired in a land war far away from their border (with Russian troops moved away from them, too) seems like a pretty good deal for them.