The news seems to be pushing the gloom and doom, the end is nigh narrative about the fate of the Ukrainian. I am not really seeing that in the info I am see. To be sure, not a good situation for many Ukrainians (especially with the more indiscriminate shelling / rocketing) and a few smaller city have fallen, but the Russians still haven't gotten into Kiev, and are still making little progress in the east.
Russian aircraft and helicopters seem to be being shot down at an accelerated rate, which will almost certainly only get worse as Ukrainian air defense seems to be popping up more and more (and more "stuff" is showing up). Of course, the many example of the less then impressive capabilities and moral of some of Russia's troops. As well as the many example of the wildly steadfast attitude of many of the Ukrainians.
A note with Ukrainian statements and info: As mentioned previously, the Ukrainians are very similar to the Russians in many ways, and one of those ways is SciOps. So, some of the info coming out of them may not be entirely and completely accurate (!) As an example the "Ghost of Kiev" plane, may be a bit of a fabrication. It might exist, if might have shot down some planes, but the videos used in the info released on it where apparently not entirely accurate (whether this is an act of Ukraine of some internet dude, who knows). The statement about the kill squad being killed was also pretty interesting as it stated that people inside the FSB told them about them(!) Apparently some of the leaders of the organization have wife's or relations who are Ukrainian(!) As you can imagine, this might inspire some "questioning".
During a live broadcast by the Rada TV channel, Danilov said that certain sources in Russia’s FSB security service oppose the war Moscow wages on Ukraine, gave Kyiv critical intelligence that led to Ramzan Kadyrov’s “elite” squad being eliminated.
Oh, and Put Put is now saying any sanctions are effectively acts of war...
... so, you are saying we should just jump in there in shoot down all you planes and blast you tanks, because, as you stated, we are already at war?
BTW - Love what you are doing over there Hungary Bill. Please don't hesitate to start a new thread about your efforts. You might get more eyes on it than just this thread.