After Ryan (storz) fantastic get together, let's plan another one. Let's say Thursday at 7, April 7th, tentatively? We have a cool new brewery called the Northern Oak Brewery that recently opened. Located at 806 N Saginaw St
Holly, MI 48442
Let me know what you guys think. We can still move stuff around if it's not ideal.
3/4/16 1:39 p.m.
Holly is only 15 minutes from me, and I like beer. It is during my kids spring break so I will have to see how that goes. I am a definite maybe.
3/4/16 2:08 p.m.
I'll jave to check and see if that date will work. But, man, that's a heckuva drive. I bet I'd spend 8 minutes driving!
It's about 45 min for me from Dexter. I have it on the calendar, but I have no idea how likely it is that I'll make it. I'm certainly interested, though.
Good deal guys if it works out we can do it again. No reason not to have multiple get together a in multiple places!
15 min away, can't turn that down. Count me in.
RXBeetle wrote:
15 min away, can't turn that down. Count me in.
Holy cats man, ortonville? That's the next town over! We hiked holly rec last weekend. Have we ever met?
pkingham wrote:
It's about 45 min for me from Dexter. I have it on the calendar, but I have no idea how likely it is that I'll make it. I'm certainly interested, though.
I'll race you there.
Edit :On second thought , I won't race after looking at the photo in your profile.
In reply to DeadSkunk:
If I tried to drive the Formula Ford, you would beat me there, no problem. I don't think I could get it out of my driveway with its 1 inch ride height. 
I'm off North Territorial near Webster Church. Should we consider going together?
In reply to pkingham:
Sure, I'd be driving right by there. I live over near Dexter High.
In reply to DeadSkunk:
Cool! I've got it penciled in. I'll have to confirm when we get close.
Sure sounds like fun, but I can't. 
joey48442 wrote:
RXBeetle wrote:
15 min away, can't turn that down. Count me in.
Holy cats man, ortonville? That's the next town over! We hiked holly rec last weekend. Have we ever met?
Just north of Ortonville, as of a couple years ago. I don't think we've met, but if you see a rusty silver FB RX7 between Ortonville, Auburn Hills or Dearborn there's a pretty good chance its me.
Just realized I never responded. I'm in assuming I'm awake, I'll have just got back from an overnight bus ride with a whole orchestra of high schoolers returning from a trip to New York.
Crashing this thread for another slightly more selfish reason. Even though this event is Thursday the 7th, I'm thinking of throwing out an offer of beer and pizza on Sunday 10th in an attempt to bribe, err sorry entice people into a work party to get my stuck and all but lost interest in Saab project started? If this post doesn't entice people to throw insults and rocks my way I'll flesh out my predicament and hopeful outcome in a stand alone thread so we don't E36 M3 this one up.
Sounds like fun, be sure to post up a seperate thread too.
Gearheadotaku wrote:
Sounds like fun, be sure to post up a seperate thread too.
Indeed. And of course I'm in.
Saab? Did someone say Saab?
paranoid_android74 wrote:
Saab? Did someone say Saab?
Yup, my long stalled project. Cliff notes. Spent months trying to get it to run right changing a berkeley load of E36 M3. Eventually got it to run correctly but had no exhaust attached (as in not even the elbow off the turbo). Life got in the way (father passing on, looking after grandson, kids etc) At X mas went to attach the exhaust so I could move it out of the garage and throw the interior in and park it outside while I swapped the suspension on my Volvo and the berkeleyer wouldn't start again. The fact I got the man plague (like the man flu but worse) and was in bed over Xmas was the only reason I didn't torch it.
Jeff (Storz on here) also told me of a fried of his in Ferndale who I'll reach out too.
I'm in for Holly on the 7th, probably.
3/15/16 9:13 a.m.
I thought there was a chance Holly was on the "close to chicago" side of Michigan. Alas, it is not.
I have a TIG class in Flint Thursdays until 10pm, I could probably be there by 1030