Phoebe Christina PMRacing was born last week!

She already has her sweet ride
And I'm already telling her dad jokes
Me: Me: Hey, Phoebe!
Phoebe: What's up, Daddy?
Me: Why do chicken coops only have two doors?
Phoebe: Why?
Me: Because if they had four, they would be chicken sedans!
8/12/17 9:51 a.m.
Congrats! Remember all kids, and parents, are different so take all advice with a grain of salt. You will find what works for your family.
8/12/17 10:26 a.m.
It might be time to rethink the chicken coup joke, ze germans are trying to make 4 door "coupes" a thing.
RossD wrote:
Congrats! Remember all kids, and parents, are different so take all advice with a grain of salt. You will find what works for your family.
I found "Lord of the Flies" to be the most accurate book on rearing children.
I have this killer grosh with a super raised ceiling, oh and did I happen to mention that I'm a new Daddy ?
Excellent!!! what a beautiful baby.
Congrats. Now the fun begins. Best feeling in the world was being on a kart track with my kid last week. Took a lotta sleepless nights to get there, but put in the work and the reward is there. Being a dad is great!!!!
Remember that photo of the garadge full of German goodness because a minivan is now on your future.
In reply to dean1484:
Looking for an E91 3 series wagon w/ manual trans hopefully. No minivans in this household!
Thanks for all the great comments everyone! We are thrilled!
I've already been teaching her shift patterns and which foot is clutch, gas, and brakes. 
8/12/17 6:23 p.m.
Your thread title is exactly what went through my head. Til I held the little pink raisin, I thought it was all a lie. My next thought was "now what the berkeley do I do".
In reply to PMRacing:
I said no minivans when I had my first kid. The. I realized sliding doors save me tons of work and money. Reaching down and putting a baby bucket into a car all the time is an ass pain. Just get the van. Right tool for the job.
In all seriousness. Congrats. It is the coolest thing!!!!
Like racing - kids are mostly burnt money, misery and work but they give out just enough goodness to keep you coming back like a sucker. Over and over and over again.
Mine are 17 and 14. It's hard for me to remember that they looked like that pink little thing once. Good times. Congrats!
EDIT: Oh! And don't let the berkeleyers sell you a van. I fit two boys in a '98 M3 and also a '91 911 C2 regularly as my only cars at the time. In fact, they were the perfect size for those tiny little pretend seats. No adult would put up with that E36 M3. Rock on.
Congratulations! You don't need a minivan, but once you have one you realize how useful they are.
8/12/17 11:14 p.m.
Congrats! Also, as a van owner I must say they are vastly underrated. I had one since I had a license, well before kids. You don't realize how handy they are until you never have to ask "will it fit in the car?" ever again.
Disclaimer, I don't have a minivan, I have an econoline. Minivans are great and all, but I have V8 noises. Loud noises. Only a 302 but rusted off muffler means it sounds like a... well, like an old 5.0 mustang with no muffler.
8/12/17 11:21 p.m.
On the minivan subject, I made it work in a cooper s. It was easier to load him through the hatch. Got some strange looks at target.
8/13/17 8:05 a.m.
Congratulations. My daughter was born she is 23. No berkeleying idea where that went
Your daughter is a cute kid, I am confident she will do a fine job of raising you and your wife.
Get better jokes.
"But babe, a baby is only like this big."
Congratulations man! The best part of your life has just begun 
NOHOME wrote:
Your daughter is a cute kid, I am confident she will do a fine job of raising you and your wife.

I think children are created to change every preconceived idea a parent may have. My dad told me years ago that the more you plan things the more wrong you will be. I did not understand this until I had kids. Welcome to the world of compermise.
8/14/17 8:13 a.m.
Congrats sir. Tons of fun ahead for you!