8/24/11 6:11 p.m.
Ok, I can't find the link I read earlier today so I'll link to THIS story.
Basically, this woman was trying to get on the Dr. Phil show for help with her son. An adopted twin from Russia. He's having problems adjusting to live here (normal thing for a post-infant, adoption I'd say). She is at the end of her ropes. She pours hot-sauce down his throat (won't let him spit it out) and forces him to take a cold shower. All this is on tape (she forced her 10-year old to tape it) so she could submit it to the Dr. Phil show.
Ok, I have a few issues with this. If this is what you have to resort to in order to get your kids to behave, well, you've failed as a parent. Love, understanding, and consistency goes farther than this type of punishment. The second issue is what I read in the other article.
She wrote a letter to the Dr. Phil show to be included in a spot called "Angry Moms" or something like that. They said they need a video of the issue (she was supposed to be getting help with the issue if she made it on the show). Well, she made a video of her yelling at her kids and submitted it. They told her they need to see a video of the punishment.
Holy crap people! You have a daytime talk/reality show, in order for someone to get onto it, thus getting their 15 minutes of shame..oops..fame they need to video tape yourself punishing your kid? Do you think you'll get on the show by taping yourself taking away her My Little Pony? No.
They aired the footage and outraged viewers called CPS.
8/24/11 6:46 p.m.
Well, it's just like all the teenybopper idiocracy candidates getting themselves knocked up under the worst possible circumstances, so they have a shot at getting on Sixteen and Pregnant.
This is why I rarely watch TV, and when I do it is How It's Made or cooking shows with my wife.
OK, that's just screwed up. How can anyone think that is the proper way to handle a 7yo. No wonder there are screwed up people in this world. What do you expect out of people that watch "Dr Anybody".
Don't they do background checks on people before they hand over an adoptee? I mean, this can't only be an issue with the adopted kid, I'll bet her natural kid gets treated like that too. With a person like this, you would think the adoption agency folks would put in some due diligence. I hope they take all of her kids away and give them to someone fit to be a parent.
8/24/11 7:24 p.m.
Oh, there's one thing I forgot to mention. Ok, two things.
If this was really about Dr. Phil helping parents and kids, that footage would have never seen the light of day. He'd have seen it, got the mom help, called the necessary authorities and it would have been handled. That's now how it went down. He aired the footage (RATINGS PEOPLE!! I NEED RATINGS!!!) and the viewers called the authorities.
Now, about those authorities. It looks like she will get up to a year in jail, $10,000 file and 10 years probation. CPS investigated the situation and deemed removing the children from the home is not necessary. HUH WHA!? When the parent did something to warrant jail time and a decade of probation I'd think twice about leaving kids in the home, but when the offense is against the child, why would you leave them in there???
Sorry, as a parent and human being with a hear beat I'm bothered by this.
Why I got rid of cable, reason #214.
Twin_Cam wrote:
Why I got rid of cable, reason #214.
I don't miss it at all either. Small rooftop antenna for the news and a few broadcast shows.
8/25/11 6:59 a.m.
Grtechguy wrote:
Twin_Cam wrote:
Why I got rid of cable, reason #214.
I don't miss it at all either. Small rooftop antenna for the news and a few broadcast shows.
Just netflix for us, I can skip that crap.
8/25/11 7:03 a.m.
i thought Dr. Phil was on network television? This is why I STILL have cable, they don't show that garbage on Speed Channel.
Rev. Al Sharpton has his own show on BSNBC. I quit.
Should I be suprised that people even find this news who are so against this kind of news?
I have cable, and don't watch the dumb shows. I have that option.
When I see headlines about dumb shows, I don't click on them. Again, I have that option.
I will read news about F1/racing, or college Football, or college hockey, or new emission rules, etc.
But not dumb shows.
mndsm wrote:
This is why I STILL have cable, they don't show that garbage on Speed Channel.
They show completely different garbage on Speed Channel.
Long Live Speedvision.
I have cable tv...and a remote control capable of changing the channel.
Wasn't there another story about an adopted child from Russia with issues and the mother put him on a plane alone and tried to just send him back?
Living with 100 other kids in a orphanage with only occasional adult contact is going to create some mental issues, so why are we not screening the adoptive parents more closely? The reason is that traditional adoption is very expensive and competitive. Cheaper, easier alternatives often seem to involve some shady characters.
914Driver wrote:
Rev. Al Sharpton has his own show on BSNBC. I quit.
Are you kidding me? That show is berkeleying hilarious!
8/25/11 9:54 a.m.
poopshovel wrote:
Are you kidding me? That show is berkeleying hilarious!
Except for last night, that was the best 45 seconds of my life!
on a positive note, isnt it great that criminals are now dumb enough to provide the DA with such delightfully clear evidence?
just looking for a bright side to our reality tv idiocracy......
I like hot sauce.
I dont like soap.
I got liquid soap when I was a kid.
8/25/11 12:58 p.m.
I got soap in my mouth as a child when I said something I shouldn't have. When that stopped tasting so bad, hot sauce on broccoli became the new punishment. I wouldn't say hot sauce on broccoli a handful of times as a kid ruined me, I'm pretty sure it was other stuff that ruined me. 
8/25/11 6:31 p.m.
Duke wrote:
Well, it's just like all the teenybopper idiocracy candidates getting themselves knocked up under the worst possible circumstances, so they have a shot at getting on *Sixteen and Pregnant*.
Like all degradation of society, it reminds me of Southpark.

Also, it sounds like she tried to get help from Dr. Phil and got the response, "We're sorry, you're not a E36 M3ty enough parent for us to help you. Please videotape yourself physically abusing your child to demonstrate that you're really berkeleyed up." So she gets a video of herself physically abusing her child. I mean, clearly if she's insisting her other child film it, she's doing it as an intentional stunt.
She is still 100% responsible for her actions, but it's still pretty messed up for the Dr. Phil show to be telling someone to videotape themselves abusing their kids in order to get on TV so that Dr. Phil can pretend to help them.
This is further evidence that "Dr." Phil is indeed the worst person in the U.S. and quite potentially the Antichrist.
8/25/11 7:07 p.m.
seems like a visit by the police and social services might be in order here
i got a little hot sauce dumped in my mouth once when i was a kid- and once was all it took. i was maybe 5, and i think i might have said something to my dad in a tone of voice that would later serve me well as i grew up to become a sarcastic and cynical adult.
i think his belt might have also met my butt after the hot sauce..
i don't like hot sauce to this day- and i don't wear a belt- but other than that, i can't say i got any sort of a mental issue out of the ordeal.