So, many years ago (pre cellphones), I started building my contact list. It defined my success in business.
First, I had an old IBM XT with a database software. Then a PalmPilot. Later moved in to a Blackberry. I built my contact list to over 4000 names. I was pretty good at backing things up, and I WAS IN CONTROL of the list.
When I switched to a smart phone, I didn't realize it was limited in the size of it's contact list. I lost 3/4 of my contact list when I imported.
Since then, technologies have changed. My devices are better at handling contact lists, but they are also continuously trying to grab the data to upload for their own purposes. This annoys me, and I am no longer in control.
Not much I can do to fix that.
But in the quest for data grabbing, it seems devices are particularly bad at sharing in any manner that doesn't risk spreading it all over the web.
I would like ONE contact list, and a bit of ability to merge/ control/ access/ etc on my own.
I now use an iPhone, an iPad, a MacBook, a PC, 6 different gmail accounts, Outlook (on several devices), and a LinkedIn account. No FaceBook for me (yet). Each one of these devices/ accounts has its own contact list, and captures the data very well, but there doesn't seem to be any clean way to merge them, without opening the gate wide open for spam, etc.
Even with the Mac devices, which back up cleanly to the cloud, I can't seem to get to share data between 2 devices.
I probably now have 6-8000 names on various contact lists, and no way to pull them into 1 place. This is really annoying.
Maybe I need a contact management system. Maybe I a different device, or a cloud based secure backup. Maybe I need to give in to the dark side and trust FaceBook for all my needs.
First, I need advice from the hive.