12/6/10 3:03 p.m.
Ok, I want to be able to turn on a fluid pump while not standing right next to it, maybe 12 feet away. I was thinking something like a sewing machine pedal, but a hand-held switch is just fine as well. I don't want to hack something together like a wall switch in a duct-tape box as I need it to be weather resistant.
Any ideas?
The Clapper? Clap on! Clap off!
Go to the big orange box and buy one of these?

$5 bux
If it's 112v, you want a remote lamp switch. Looks like an extension cord, only with a rocker switch on one end. At the other end is a male/female connector. Plug the pump cord into the female side, then insert the "plug" into the socket. The rocker switch controls the flow of power. I've used one for years. Beats the hell out of fumbling around in the dark to turn on a lamp.
Wrap duct tape around the connection end, keep the switch dry, and you should be OK.
Best, though, it to go the weather/water-proof housings with appropriate switch and hard wiring. Some things aren't worth cutting corners.
I have one of their 230-volt modules controlling my 80-gallon compressor. I have a little remote hanging on the wall by the door. I got tired of climbing over a bunch of E36 M3 just to get to the compressor. Now I can turn it on and off with ease!
I also use the remote to turn on my tunes!
I also use a lot of X-10 stuff this time of year to control Christmas lights. They've got some really neat stuff and it's dirt cheap, and mostly, it works.
Their website is really ugly, but you should be able to find what you need.
12/6/10 3:39 p.m.
Yeah, I was thinking about something more hand-held. This is for when I'm filling my grease tank. I want to be able to turn the pump off from the trunk of my car, as opposed to setting a hose that's spewing cooking oil on the edge of my tank (spewing into the tank) while I run to the switch to turn it off hoping the whole time the hose doesn't slip off and spew into my trunk.
harsh environment foot switches
Any value to a hard-wired hanging "Dead man" switch ? Just a thought....
12/6/10 6:32 p.m.
Chebbie_SB wrote:
Any value to a hard-wired hanging "Dead man" switch ? Just a thought....
Hmmm.....can you 'splain a little more?
I just rented a drain auger that was nothing more than a corded drill attached to the snake. It worked off an air foot bulb that was attached by a hose to an extending plunger (for lack of a better word) that pushed the trigger progressively as you stepped on the bulb.
Low tech, cheap an un complicated.
DrBoost wrote:
Chebbie_SB wrote:
Any value to a hard-wired hanging "Dead man" switch ? Just a thought....
Hmmm.....can you 'splain a little more?
If I understand, you are switching a pump on & off that transfers oil or grease. A deadman switch would have to be held to run the pump (meaning you can't walk away & overfill/spill the stuff you are pumping). A micro-switch hardwired & hanging down from the ceiling or tethered to the wall where the pumping unit is. Look on the "Grainger" site for micro-switches and housings.
Dr. Boost:
Solve the problem with the condensation, now that it's cold out. And, any residual diesel oozing up through the driveway from your persoanl Exxon Valdez spill? Just curious, and yes, this is a thread jacking.