Last year sucked ass for stink bugs, they were everywhere. I've looked online but cannot find a solution to keeping them out of my house. Everything I can find is sealed in my house to avoid drafts and thus keep the energy bills down, and hopefully as well keep out the stick bugs.
Does anyone know of a repellent for them? My lab at my parents house used to eat them if I coated them with peanut butter, but i otherwise don't have a solution. The only bad part about the peanut butter/dog fix was that he got the worst gas from them. Please help!
3/3/10 9:26 p.m.
Um... is this a joke?
Eating stinkbugs coated with peanut butter made your lab fart???
What ARE stinkbugs??
Stink bugs are a harmless bug with wide shoulders, until you mash them, at which point they release body fluids that make muratic acid smell good. To even consider what it would take to coat one in peanut butter boggles my mind.
I was pretty sure digdug was a nut before: Now I'm convinced.
Most serial killers started out torturing animals. I'm just sayin . . .
You don't have to mash them, you just have to scare them.
I would be pretty scared if someone tried to cover me in peanut butter.
3/3/10 10:29 p.m.
How do you know? You might like it. 
Well if it was a big hairy chested guy trying to cover me in peanut butter I'd definitely be scared, but if it's a cute little gal with a twinkle in her eye - that'd be a nuther whole story entirely!! 
carguy123 wrote:
Well if it was a big hairy chested guy trying to cover me in peanut butter I'd definitely be scared, but if it's a cute little gal with a twinkle in her eye - that'd be a nuther whole story entirely!!
What you do in the privacy of your garage is your business, with peanut butter or not.
I'm serious though, does anyone know of a cure from the scourge? My fiancee freaks out whenever she sees one. and I prefer to keep it to a minimum.
NYG95GA wrote:
Stink bugs are a harmless bug with wide shoulders, until you mash them, at which point they release body fluids that make muratic acid smell good. To even consider what it would take to coat one in peanut butter boggles my mind.
I was pretty sure digdug was a nut before: Now I'm convinced.
You just dab your finger in peanut butter, then dab it onto the bug. I'm a bit of a nut at times, but it usually ends with adding a 200 shot to a lawnmower or something fun like that. But the whole peanut butter on a bug thing came about because me and the dog were drinking and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
3/4/10 12:28 a.m.
Introduce a bunch of spiders to prey on the stink bugs.
put peanut butter in a caulking gun and run a 1/4 inch bead , save on dog food and who doesn't like that peanut buttery smell .
That sounds plausible, to a point. It reminds me of a neighbor I used to have who owned a nice house and a funeral home. He had a dog named Sh*thead that followed him like a shadow.
One day his wife caught him and the dog smoking a joint behind the garage, and by the time it was over, he lost his wife, his house, and the funeral home. It seems Sh*thead ratted him out.
Man's best friend, my foot! 
3/4/10 6:36 a.m.
Haven't been able to keep them out of our friends house in Maryland. We gave up on trying to keep them out and started going from room to room with a shop-vac. Got to be kind of like a sport. 
It really does suck, though. Nothing like the crunch of a few stink bugs (and the smell) when you forget to look before putting on your shoes. Then there's firing up the ol' circular saw only to have dozens of shattered stinking bodies fly out.
That's only the tip of the iceberg. I still can't believe how many there were last year and the bizarre places they would gather.
Ian F
3/4/10 8:52 a.m.
We got a few in the house this year. I found a bunch on some firewood I brought in... guess which piece went into the stove first... 
If you can't keep them out - you can atleast de-populate them. Suck the bugs into a 6HP shopvac. I say 6 because it pulls them out of cracks and from whatever those strong little buggers try to cling to. Take the shopvac outside and fire it up (gets the stink outside). Spray raid into shopvac hose. Wait 5 minutes. Empty into trash.
Dude, don't spray potentially flamable stuff into the vac, just dump them in the trash and spray the trash.
How to get rid of stink bugs
3/4/10 12:39 p.m.
Mojo's right! That's really dangerous. A vacuum motor is not sealed. Suck...boom!
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Dude, don't spray potentially flamable stuff into the vac, just dump them in the trash and spray the trash.
They don't stay in the trash... this advice was based on experiment. They can fly!
Now, as to flammability... it didn't go boom bur I could see where it might.
Def do this one outside (and wear your safety glasses) 
Do it but make sure to have a video camera handy.
I bet a shop vac going boom looks really cool!
[stinkbug] Who is this bastard with the shop vac, and what happened to Larry? He was here just a minute ago. [/stinkbug]
You can always try to out-stink them, then they might just move on calling out insulting names in your direction.
I have heard that eating stinkbugs causes very noxious emmissions, so that's a win-win.