...tell my garage roommate to stop parking like a little bitch? Or am I being pedantic over nothing.
So my apt complex has 2 car garages instead of singles, and our new garage roommate likes to park pretty damn close to the center of the garage. We park on the left side and generally park within 2ft of the wall. The other person leaves almost a 4ft gap between their passenger side and the wall, leaving 2-3ft between the 2 cars in the center of the garage. One of our previous garage roommates had an rx330, and they managed to park it closer to the wall. now, even my lady friend who cares about her car far less than I do, is pissed about their parking habits. I would love to write them a letter with a few choice words, or park right up next to their car. But it doesn't seem like the wisest action when one of our vehicles is in the garage every night.
My car

Their car

12/23/15 1:57 a.m.
Have you tried a friendly word/note? They may not be aware of the difficulty created and will be more receptive to positive contact.
12/23/15 4:42 a.m.
Let's see...
You could park diagonally, leave nasty notes, slash his tires, drag it sideways with a chain, bring a few friends to pick it up and put it between 2 poles, push it with a 4x4, spray paint a scary threat on it, leave it on blocks, follow the guy home and graffiti bomb his door, disguise your voice and make threatening calls to his wife, beat the headlights in with a baseball bat, ...
...or I guess you could talk to the dude. 
I am possibly overthinking this and the guy just needs some polite tutoring in spatial awareness, but I notice he's got a 2-door car and you've got a 4-door car. Maybe he parks like that because he has stuff/people on the passenger side that need extra room to get out. In that case, could he just back in? Whenever you're not there, he would have all the space in the world.
12/23/15 6:21 a.m.
Yeah, I'd just politely mention it. If he/she has a passenger, he might be leaving enough room for the door to swing.
"Hey neighbor, would you mind leaving us a little more room, when you park, please? Thanks."
If that doesn't change things, then it's time to get ugly. Let your lady friend out, before you park in the garage, then put your car within an inch or so of his mirror. 
As mentioned, it seems the polite thing to do would be to politely address the issue with the guy.
You could tape lines on the floor
There is a very good chance the guy has no idea how to drive, and if you ask him to move closer to the wall, he will hit it. Can you trade sides with him?
12/23/15 11:19 a.m.
How about, hey I'm a little worried about your car getting dinged up.
Get a car you give no berkeleys about and proceed to give no berkeleys how you park it. 
Most people pay very little attention to their surroundings, take advantage of this.
Try parking closer to center until he's over far enough, keep parking this way for a few weeks, hopefully the conditioning will stick.
Or put an increasingly visible line on the floor.
Whatever you do it needs to be friendly. Starting a feud with someone you have to share space with is idiotic.
Be polite, ask him if he'd mind sharing the space more evenly. Come back for more advice if that fails.