Considering how many people are getting tattoos because it's cool and on T.V. right now, I'd say no.
I've made it 30 years so far with no extra holes and no tattos and I'm gonna keep it that way.
In another 10 years, all the tatooed peoples kids will be looking at me and going "WTF? That guy has no tattoos! He must be crazy or a murderer or something"
Whatever you do, don't get a name unless it's yours or "MOM" ask my father about that one :)
My wife's take is that tats are a personal thing. If you like the design, and it means something to you and marks something in your life, then it will never go out of style. Her ink can easily be hidden and she doesn't plan to be rocking a bikini around the old folks home anyway. Putting something that is currently in fashion on your face to impress other people is probably something you will regret.
Apexcarver wrote:
wherethefmi wrote:
Getting 2 tats when I'm home on leave, wedding band, and my wife as a pinup girl
That whole no Porn while your over there is really getting to you, eh?
In the style of 1940's bomber aircraft art
Varga girls never go out of style. Ever.
I might get one next year IF I get a monster 696. I think a ducati logo, maybe an older style one.

10/23/09 3:04 p.m.
I'm 41...I see nothing wrong with a guy my age getting one.
Whatever makes you happy.....
As long as it's a "HONG NORR RACING" tramp-stamp, you're in good shape.
Whoever said "YOU'LL REGRET IT!" was dead wrong. I know dudes twice my age with tats that love them.
MY rules of thumb (they don't necessarily apply to anyone else:)
1.) Don't ever start with "I think I want I tattoo, I wonder what I should get?" I'm guessing this is how the millions of berkeleying taz's & tweety birds have gotten branded on people.
2.) Don't be a berkeleying pork-chop: i.e. Go big or go home. 15 tiny tattoos looks like there was no forethought involved, and generally silly. If you're getting a 1/4" X 1/4" peace sign on your pinky toe, why even waste the artist's time.
3.) Put a lot of thought into placement. Your back is the biggest canvas on your body. Don't waste it. Common sense pretty much applies everywhere else.
4.) Find an artist you like, and LISTEN TO HIM/HER!!! If the artist politely suggests "If I were you, I'd put it a little lower, make it a little bigger, etc." berkeleying DO IT!
poopshovel wrote:
As long as it's a "HONG NORR RACING" tramp-stamp, you're in good shape.
Whoever said "YOU'LL REGRET IT!" was dead wrong. I know dudes twice my age with tats that love them.
MY rules of thumb (they don't necessarily apply to anyone else:)
1.) Don't ever start with "I think I want I tattoo, I wonder what I should get?" I'm guessing this is how the millions of berkeleying taz's & tweety birds have gotten branded on people.
2.) Don't be a berkeleying pork-chop: i.e. Go big or go home. 15 tiny tattoos looks like there was no forethought involved, and generally silly. If you're getting a 1/4" X 1/4" peace sign on your pinky toe, why even waste the artist's time.
3.) Put a lot of thought into placement. Your back is the biggest canvas on your body. Don't waste it. Common sense pretty much applies everywhere else.
4.) Find an artist you like, and LISTEN TO HIM/HER!!! If the artist politely suggests "If I were you, I'd put it a little lower, make it a little bigger, etc." berkeleying DO IT!
concerning #2 my wife has an entire sleeve of smaller pieces that works really well, plus she's hot 
wherethefmi wrote:
poopshovel wrote:
As long as it's a "HONG NORR RACING" tramp-stamp, you're in good shape.
Whoever said "YOU'LL REGRET IT!" was dead wrong. I know dudes twice my age with tats that love them.
MY rules of thumb (they don't necessarily apply to anyone else:)
1.) Don't ever start with "I think I want I tattoo, I wonder what I should get?" I'm guessing this is how the millions of berkeleying taz's & tweety birds have gotten branded on people.
2.) Don't be a berkeleying pork-chop: i.e. Go big or go home. 15 tiny tattoos looks like there was no forethought involved, and generally silly. If you're getting a 1/4" X 1/4" peace sign on your pinky toe, why even waste the artist's time.
3.) Put a lot of thought into placement. Your back is the biggest canvas on your body. Don't waste it. Common sense pretty much applies everywhere else.
4.) Find an artist you like, and LISTEN TO HIM/HER!!! If the artist politely suggests "If I were you, I'd put it a little lower, make it a little bigger, etc." berkeleying DO IT!
concerning #2 my wife has an entire sleeve of smaller pieces that works really well, plus she's hot
Sleevework = one large piece = not a bunch of tiny stupid E36 M3 spread all over your body. Again, thought to placement.
wherethefmi wrote:
concerning #2 my wife has an entire sleeve of smaller pieces that works really well, plus she's hot
Pics of said sleeve? My wife wants to start hers soon and likes to see what other women have done.
poopshovel wrote:
As long as it's a "HONG NORR RACING" tramp-stamp, you're in good shape.
Whoever said "YOU'LL REGRET IT!" was dead wrong. I know dudes twice my age with tats that love them.
Poop's right. Of course, at my age..those guys "twice my age" are all WW2 veterans (who often have their unit badges) or the original "biker" generation (who have monocolor stuff I can't describe with words).
Maybe that's why I want my old corner worker patches? They ain't big (violates Hong rule #2), but they're damn sure important enough to me to get the work done (observes Hong rules #1 and #4).
I think I'm just about talked into it, actually..does anyone have a recommendation for an artist in the Atlanta metro?
carguy123 wrote:
Tattoos are lame no matter the age of the person and please, please, please girls don't do it anywhere, it ruins the landscape.
There's nothing wrong with a girl with tattoos. it says she's not afraid to do something she might regret in the future.
Well, I can safely say its less lame than this thread.
Wally wrote:
There's nothing wrong with a girl with tattoos. it says she's not afraid to do something she might regret in the future.
Not so long ago, you'd have to pay $0.50 and go inside a tent to see a girl with tattoos.
10/24/09 5:30 a.m.
Wally wrote:
There's nothing wrong with a girl with tattoos. it says she's not afraid to do something she might regret in the future.
That right there is a quote worthy of "say what?"
ddavidv wrote:
Wally wrote:
There's nothing wrong with a girl with tattoos. it says she's not afraid to do something she might regret in the future.
That right there is a quote worthy of "say what?"
Pretty sure it's already been there. Get some new material, wally. 
It's been a busy week, besides, recycling is good for the planet.
New Reader
10/24/09 10:39 a.m.

"Not so long ago, you'd have to pay $0.50 and go inside a tent to see a girl with tattoos. Shawn"
One rule I'd add to Poopshovel's four rules:
5) Never, ever get a tattoo in a language you can't read.
10/24/09 11:30 a.m.
A guy I know told me that all of those Asian/Arabic/Tribal characters basically translate into the same thing:
In reply to bamalama: Iwont be able to post pics for a WHILE
My response to the OP; pretty lame. I always view tatoos as trashy, they never "look" good. Have I been shown some that are "interesting"? Sure. My buddy is covered in them, the zombies on his leg (especially the Waldo zombie) are IMO "cool", as in cool art, but thats about it. Definitely makes a person less presentable, and in my eyes would lead me to believe somebody likes to not think decisions through with a view to the long term. Am I judgemental? Hell yes I am, and most of the population also is.
I'd laugh in my father's face if he ever got a tatoo (he's 47), not that he ever would. And I don't think I could ever date a girl with one bigger then 1"x1". And I mean one only!
MadScientistMatt wrote:
One rule I'd add to Poopshovel's four rules:
5) Never, ever get a tattoo in a language you can't read.
ROFL! I used to read a great blog by a woman that married a Japanese guy (and lives in Japan-I think she worked for the Japan Times back then). On a visit to the g'parents in the US, she took their bi-lingual 10yr old to a Major League baseball game. Seeing the tat on the shoulder of the guy in front of them he asked, "mom, why does that guy's arm say `leg'?" Seems the guy'd gotten the Kanji just because he thought it was pretty.
I know a guy that did a bunch of research and designed a tat in Sandskrit that said "Good Luck" or something like that. He and his brother-in-law got the tat; it was just supposed to be the two of them, a "brothers" thing. The artist kept the flash/stencil, wrote up a storyboard with a pic and proceded to put it on every other arm in town.