So for father's day I asked my wife for a 10 year subscription to GRM. I'm glad to have finally done it too, 'cause I've been buying off the newsstand for the last couple years (stupid, I know). Now I'm just curious... how many folks are 10 year subscribers?
I'm about to pull this trigger.
To be honest, I would have been 2 years ago. Today, I'd question that decision. I've found some of the issues lacking, such as the Challenge issue, and with exception of the last issue, I haven't even read them because nothing really interested me in them, including most of the Challenge issue. I read that article and just didn't find it engaging, and it seemed pretty sloppily thrown together.
When my sub expires again, I will probably buy another 2 year and at the end of that period decide what I'm doing.
I am a ten-year subscriber . . .
It's odd to subscribe, and realize how old your children will be when the sub expires.
I do the two year so I can get a shirt when I renew
6/5/12 5:17 a.m.
I did the ten-year as soon as it became available. It's a fantastic deal, and they don't usually have shirts in XXL anyway.
Derick Freese wrote:
I've found some of the issues lacking, such as the Challenge issue, and with exception of the last issue, I haven't even read them because nothing really interested me in them, including most of the Challenge issue. I read that article and just didn't find it engaging, and it seemed pretty sloppily thrown together.
I subscribe to support the forum. If the forum stays the same, I'll continue to subscribe, even if the magazine becomes unreadable.
I only have four years left on my ten year......time flies.
I did the 10 year almost 4 years ago.
I would have done the 10 year on the Classic Motorsports (don't subscribe now) if I wasn't trying to finish up the Miata. Placed a $1700 order last week. 
I went with the 10-year shortly after it became available. Heck, it's probably nearly due for renewal!
The mag doesn't hold my interest like it did back several years ago, but that's probably because cars and the hobby have changed, and my car and I have not. My RX-7 Turbo II has gone from being a quick used car to a virtual antique, as has it's owner! 
I might have to pony up a few more bucks and start reading Classic Motorsports, or whatever the sister publication is called. I'm just not sure I'm ready to grow a handlebar mustache and wear an English driving cap, and I think both are requirements for CM subscribers.
I think I'm on the downhill slope of a 10 year subscription.
i always find something to read worth more than the dollar or so i've prepaid for each issue.
i used to look forward to it, now it's just throne material, but i think it's because my personal priorities have changed. and i have 4 of the issue that my car was in, wrapped up to show off someday.
6/5/12 7:26 a.m.
Been a 10 year for a while now.
I had done the 2 year, for the shirt, a couple of times. Then, my wife realized how good of a bargin the 10 year is and got my one.
I'm going to need a new shirt soon.
SillyImportRacer wrote:
I had done the 2 year, for the shirt, a couple of times. Then, my wife realized how good of a bargin the 10 year is and got my one.
I'm going to need a new shirt soon.
I've got two shirts and both are in tatters. It's only a matter of time before the wife sees them and throws them in the trash. I'm too cheap to buy one, and the management has yet to send me one (size XL, thanks!). Oh, what to do, what to do?
I am probably half way through my ten year subscription. I wouldn't do another one. Magazines in general get less and less useful each month it seems.
6/5/12 8:22 a.m.
I have the 10 year for GRM and keep considering the 10 year CM, but I've not pulled the trigger.
I feel like I buy a 2 year subscription every year at The Challenge (and get a T-shirt)..... So I have no idea how long I have left.
I like the idea of buying it just to support the forum... Clever.
Ian F
6/5/12 8:36 a.m.
Here - right after I bought the E30 from this forum.
At Carlisle I added a 10 year CMS sub as well.
Hint: if possible, get your subscription in person. 
I am totally going to do a Classic Motorsport 10 year subscription when my current shorter one runs out.
I signed up for the 10 year subscription when they first offered it a few years ago. One nice side benefit is not getting resubscription offers in the mail every other day, like some other magazines do.
I got my 10 year sub when it first came out, I forget how long ago that was. There was a time last year when I might have let it lapse, but the mag is getting better again. I though the current issue was the best in a long time. I'm just completly sick of the challenge and crap car racing.
The challenge was great for the original $1500 challenge back in 98 or 99 or when ever it was, but to me it's become a pointless farce. No I've never entered and no I never will, it had no interest to me. I am interested in low $$ and or inovative builds, but the challenge takes it to an illogical extream. There are some great simple low buck builds, but to me not one of the top build wouldn't have been more interesting without the budget cap.
6/5/12 9:30 a.m.
another early adopter here, I should really check on when I need to renew that.