11/4/13 10:52 a.m.
Interesting, am I the only person that only looks at the Off Topic Forum of all the Grassroots forums? And is it the only forum that you look at on the web? Do you look at the "can we please stop hot linking" thread but not the "only hilarous gif's" thread? Your reply or personal information will not be be shared or sold by (TR) and is only intended for the entertainment of mature audiences, wait scratch the mature part .
I only look at what shows up when i click "Latest Topics."
And try my best to avoid the obnoxiously huge amount of floundering and political crap that happens in Off Topic. The hotlink and hilarious gif thread is a pretty safe bet and i monitor those pretty closely. 
I for one, refuse to share any information whatsoever. You'll have to acquire your information the same way everybody else does--illegally and without consent.
I look at the GRM section, builds and off-topic regularly. I'm not specifically interested in classics and I don't have a bike so I don't go in the others so much. I check the Parts Counter for discount codes before I buy car stuff.
Oh and I don't look at Events or Classifieds because I don't live in the US. Would totally check them out if I did.
Matt B
11/4/13 11:26 a.m.
I just look at Latest Topics. I never pick one of the sub-forums unless I want to look at classifieds.
11/4/13 11:37 a.m.
I've never even been to the off-topic part of the forum. That one is for posers.
Another vote for Latest Topics.
I am usually in the Off Topic, but hit the GRM, Builds, and Sprockets pretty often
I would say that a good 70 percent of my time here is spent in Off Topic.
11/4/13 11:49 a.m.
Oddly enough, I never use the Latest Topics button. I would break down my time here like this:
40-45% Off Topic
40-45% GRM
5-10% split between the Classified forums
5-10% everything else
11/4/13 11:55 a.m.
I only use the 'New Topics' button. The only section that I completely ignore is 'Sprockets'.
I hit them all, my screwing off time has to be diverse and well rounded. 
Usually split my time between Off Topic, Classifieds (windown shopping only these days, unfortunately), and GRM. Sometimes peek into Build Threads.
Using the Latest Topics options maximizes your supply of unbiased GRM goodness.
11/4/13 4:06 p.m.
I click on the Latest Topics … I got in the habit of skipping the hilarious gif's with my old computer .. it loaded almost like I had dial up (lack of memory) since the new one, I haven't gotten back in the habit
Yeah the GIF thread makes my browser freeze. Any GIF does, even just 1. let alone a page of 25.
11/4/13 4:30 p.m.
fritzsch wrote:
I am usually in the Off Topic, but hit the GRM, Builds, and Sprockets pretty often
Mostly this for me.
I hit OT most often (it's still very car-related, anyway), but I love the Builds forum and I'll check in on GRM here and there.
The wrote:
Interesting, am I the only person that only looks at the Off Topic Forum of all the Grassroots forums?
I don't know.
The wrote:
And is it the only forum that you look at on the web?
No, but GRM is usually the only board I post to.
The wrote:
Do you look at the "can we please stop hot linking" thread but not the "only hilarous gif's" thread?
Stop spying on me!!!!