to clog a kitchen sink? Yesterday I had to work at a rental property that was raided by the police. I didn't know what had happened at the property until I was almost finished working. When I showed up, the entire contents of the unit was outside in the snow. The doors had been kicked in, and the toilet and kitchen sink were clogged. I started out in the basement trying to clear the sink drain. It was full of wet brown powder. At first I thought it was really fine coffee grinds, but now in hindsight I realize it wasn't. Toilet was clogged with plastic bags. When the owner of the property showed up to pay me, I got the rest of the story.
So shouldn't you be telling US how much heroin it takes to clog a sink?
or how easy it is to sell heroin that's been pulled from a E36 M3ter? junkies don't care, you know.
so did they confiscate it?
you may now be on the short list of drug raid plumbers 
Ian F
2/17/13 2:48 p.m.
I'm surprised the cops left you to find it. I thought flushing the goods was SOP during a raid. At least CSI would lead you to believe that.
2/17/13 4:01 p.m.
Shouldn't you be reporting this to the police instead of to us?
Sounds kind of odd. We always pulled the p traps on dope warrants. Some dealers will even keep fryers hot and dump the dope in them when we hit the door.
Raids are boring. I like watching the dealers run down the street attempting to get away from the police. Word of advice, don't run from the police.
Got a little more info today. Raid was two months ago. Crime scene was released back to the landlord some time ago. It took this long for the landlord to have the tenants(now in jail) evicted. I was there for the eviction party, but the residence had been empty all this time. There was four generations living in this apartment and nobody worked(section 8 renters). Gen 1 went to a nursing home. Gen 2 went to jail. Half of gen 3 went to jail, other half wasn't prosecuted. Gen 4 is now a ward of the state. Funny thing is that if someone had filed an appeal about the eviction, it would have taken 9 months plus to get the constable to evict the tenants from the vacant apartment. Contents of the apartment was suppose to go into storage paid for by the landlord, but the one tenant that wasn't in jail or a ward of the state came by, took a few things, and said throw away the rest. Yesterday it all went into a dumpster. From what the neighbors said, the raid was spectacular. Guys in black armored suits with guns drawn, kicking in the doors predawn. The guy in one of the upstairs apartments left for work just prior to the raid and was stopped up the street and detaind at gunpoint.
2/18/13 8:42 a.m.
There is so so so so so so so much wrong in that story I cannot grasp it all...
In reply to Jay_W:
I know, why didn't the one guy upstairs figure out how to avoid work?
N Sperlo wrote:
Raids are boring. I like watching the dealers run down the street attempting to get away from the police. Word of advice, don't run from the police.
Especially in LA:
BAM, Stop!, BAM, BAM, police!, BAM, BAM, BAM, or we'll shoot!, BAM, BAM...

Stories like this make me very happy to no longer be a landlord.
I always enjoy rubbernecking a traffic stop and seeing the drivers getting pulled out art gunpoint.
Gearheadotaku wrote:
Stories like this make me very happy to no longer be a landlord.
One of my dad's friends had a property raided by Federal Agents because his tenant was using it as a grow house for pot.
He got there after the action had taken place, and joked about how surreal it was to see that many armed people in one place.
He was pretty pissed about all the damage that was done to his property in the search for evidence, but an agent pulled him aside and told him he probably should remove all "his property" before they seized stuff with a wink and a nod. He was told this while standing in the garage of the rental property...which had several large Snap-on tool chests and tens of thousands of dollars of tools.
He removed all of "his property" that evening. 
2/18/13 12:51 p.m.
My dad had a tenant cook meth in the bathtub. Ate the enamel off the claw foot tub.
That stuff affects Fish and Wildlife and should NEVER be flushed.