Smuggler arrested with 320 tarantulas, 110 centipedes and 9 bullet ants strapped to his body
I'd be most worried about a tropical centipede breaking loose since they have the most painful sting of any land animal, are very hard to squish (typically needs at least a hard boot against pavement, the go-to solution is to chop them with a machete) and are right near the top of the animal creepiness scale. Bullet ants would be my #2 concern and tarantulas would be #3.
So I'd say $250k for me to try this. I would need to be on drugs to not be sweating bullets while carrying hell's own deluxe souvenir package.
11/22/24 4:02 p.m.
For a minute there, I thought you found a job.
Drugs, money, jewelry, that's all fine. Live animals and specifically painful bugs? Nope. No way I'm staying cool with E36 M3 crawling all over me.
In reply to ShawnG :
If I have to get into crime I'll be a lot more subtle about it 
At first I was gonna say that no amount of money would get me to do that, but after seeing that the creepy-crawlies were sealed inside clear plastic vials, I might reconsider. But rather than just paper or whatever that was stuffed in both ends of the tube, I would require a secure screw-cap, sealed with a wrap of tape. If ventilation was necessary, the end of the cap could be screened. Still, there are other people crazier than I am that would do it for far less money.
In 1978 I smoked some devils lettuce and went to the movie theater to watch Midnight Express.
I learned my lesson on smuggling.
Just be glad you didn't have to smuggle them inside your bum.
The insects are thought to have been taken from the Madre de Dios region...
Or at least the customs agent said something about Madre de Dios on finding that stash.
I'd be concerned that
A) they'd pop the balloon that they're tied up inside of
B) that if they didn't pop the balloon, they'd suffocate being tied up inside of it.
The eating bugs is always the part of Fear Factor that would've prevented me from advancing, so even with them in balloons, it'd be difficult.