A homeowner's surveillance camera caught a would-be gas thief in Mesa, Ariz., bungling his crime and setting himself, the car he was trying to siphon fuel from and a house on fire.

Almost a darwin award winner
Damnit I hate it when that happens!
so he jumped in the truck after catching himself on fire?
yeah, sounds intelligent..
i can only imagine what it must have been like for the neighborhood when that house fire mentioned at the end of the article happened- the one with the pot growing operation..
i imagine it went something like this:
11/4/12 6:02 a.m.
You can always expect gas theft to rise when fuel prices are....dropping?
"I heard a boom outside my house, so I ran out and saw the truck on fire with the guy running away," Drum told ABC News. "I ran off after him, but I didn't want to go physical because who knows what he might be on."
Duh...he was on fire...
poopshovel wrote:
Woody wrote:
"I heard a boom outside my house, so I ran out and saw the truck on fire with the guy running away," Drum told ABC News. "I ran off after him, but I didn't want to go physical because who knows what he might be on."
Duh...he was on *fire*...
I lol'd.
works with your signiture
11/5/12 12:25 a.m.
Instant karma FTMFW.
I'd be thrilled if I could have arranged for the shiny happy people who stole my car out of my driveway in 2010 to have been flambeed.
How not to transport gas:
The misleading part about the headline is that the hoarding was actually legal (he paid for the gas), but dispensing it into unlawful containers (HD's Homer Pails) is what got this person (and the station owner) arrested.