There's probably a thread on here about this, as that usually seems to be the case for me, but I'll ask (again?) anyway.
A year ago I had a deck put on my house, in another I didn't actually see it until a few months ago, and my tenant remembers the workman using the Thompson's I bought on it. My question, specifically, is:
Being in northeastern Florida, how often does Thompson's need to be applied to keep this new deck from crumbling into kindling like the old one did? Once a year? Once every 2 years? I realize I could go back to the store or go to the co's website for this advice. but what is the EXPERIENCE of GRM readers that have used this product?
I've heard varying opinions on Thompson's. Most of them aren't good.
I use a semi-transparent stain (I believe the Cabot product is highly regarded) once every year or two, depending on my motivation.
I used to apply Thompson's or the Armour-all stuff (cheaper) once or twice a year to my car hauler deck. The deck disintigrated this year, as in wouldn't hold a 1200 lb Europa. I replaced the deck with treated wood. Mentioning all that to my friend, a carpenter for the past 40 years or so, he said the Thompson's stuff can seal the water into the wood and make it worse. Anyway, with treated wood, I'm just going to leave it alone.
Thanks for the input.
Because I was never very motivated, the previous deck on my house looked like BADLY decomposed driftwood after about 10 years. I both do/and don't want to do the job again after what may or may not be only 10-12 months. I want to preserve the deck, but I'm lazy. There, I admit it.
My father had a deck on the back of his last house that I painted every few years, or sort of stained. It looked like paint in the can, but after about a year on the deck it looked like a stain. His wooden front porch was painted, at least once, by me, also. The porch, being covered, always looked pretty good, just a bit dirty (fixed with a bit of scrubbing), while the deck, as I said....
I think I'll head to Lowe's to look for that Cabot's stain(?).
Already, the responses look/sound familiar from on some past point.
My deck builder recommended it be applied as often as the deck would absorb it. (You can test for this... if it beads, it not being absorbed). For me on exposed horizontal surfaces, that's every 2 years.
I've been using Behr semi-opaques (in "natural")... seems to last a lot longer and protect better than Thompson's did for me.
9/24/10 4:53 p.m.
Your biggest enemy is UV, not water. ESPECIALLY in FL.
Thompson's is a clear finish. It therefore offers very little protection against UV.
Semi-transparents offer more UV protection.
Solid stains offer more UV protection.
Seeing a trend? 
However, the more color, the more care that is required to do a nice quality job.
I have successfully sprayed Thompson's from a Hudson style pump sprayer on dozens of decks. Very simple- it takes about a half hour including the setup and cleanup. Because it is clear, the overspray is not noticeable.
If you try this with a colored stain, you will have a disaster.
I would plan on several days of work for each coat of stain- every time.
FL is a great place for shade structures. If you can shade the deck, you will be better off.
Short of that, wcelliot's idea of doing it until it can absorb no more is the next best thing. I'd bet it is once a year for you.
The answer to the topic question is never. Use Cabot's. I put Thompson's on my deck a year after I built it, and it was gone by the end of the summer. A couple of years later I put Cabot's on. It's been about 5 years and I'm about due for another coat. Night and day difference.
I used the Thomson with some color in it. I have to do it about every other year. I tried something this year that was cheaper and clear. Its OK, but the coloration in the Thompsons makes it look better.
I built a nice deck three summers ago. Thompson's every year because Iike the look of a natural wood deck. Next year, though, I'm going for a solid deck paint. I don't like how the wood is aging under the Thompson's. I want low maintenance, not constant maintenance.
Replace deck with composite boards?
SkinnyG wrote:
I built a nice deck three summers ago. Thompson's every year because Iike the look of a natural wood deck. Next year, though, I'm going for a solid deck paint. I don't like how the wood is aging under the Thompson's. I want low maintenance, not constant maintenance.
I would suggest a stain rather than a paint, simply because in high traffic areas, the wear will likely be more noticeable with a paint as opposed to a stain. My .02.
I don't treat my deck. It's treated lumber and I'm just letting it age. It's holding up pretty well, at about 11 years old now. What I don't like is after capping something and getting blood all over the place, then hitting it with dish washing liquid and a broom to get the blood off, there's a spot that's lighter than the surrounding area. Takes a while to get evened out again. I usually try to cap whatever so it falls off the porch, but sometimes it can't be helped. Head shots are particularly messy and always require cleanup.
I should do mine more often but don't. It's like changing the oil in your car, why get picky about the oil if you only do it once every three years?
Do it more often with whatever's on sale.
Hot day, pressure wash, roll on schmutz.
Beer required.
This deck is NOT covered and is very light traffic. The elderly lady living in my house at the moment has an eye ailment that makes going outside difficult if it's any way sunshiney.
I just don't want this deck looking like crap within a "few" years, like the previous one looked with almost no care/thought give to upkeep.
Soooo, from the advice so far (and thanks, by the way, guys) I should go with a near opaque stain or paint, even tho I like the "weathered" look, but don't like the splintered and disintegrating look.

Well... Whats the situation?