Maybe I should say get on a payment plan and use the HSA money to payoff the payment plan. Just don't lump sum it. That's all.
Maybe I should say get on a payment plan and use the HSA money to payoff the payment plan. Just don't lump sum it. That's all.
In reply to pheller :
Welcome to parenthood. Enjoy it, it only lasts until their teens. Then you become transportation and a cash machine until they get into adulthood when you are once again loved. Loved but pretty well ignored they have their own lives to live but being a grandparent is really neat!!
Sorry, not answering you.
You have no idea of the costs you will incur. Medical bills are just starting. Coughs colds flu and all the diseases they will pickup in daycare and school!!!
You can’t keep them sealed in a protective bubble their systems need to develop immunities ( hope your wife likes to nurse because that really helps transfer her immunities to your child )
You will spend on average $200,000.00 raising your child. ( and every dime is worth it). That’s almost $10,000 a year!
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