According to the rules; the car can't weigh more than XXXX amount, the car can not carry a passenger, It must also be a production car.
My question is this.. Say for instance. I Find two, or three of the same car that; If welded or chained together (in the style of a train, or centipede) and weigh less than the maximum weight. Would that be considered one car???
Also, If the cars were welded or chained together. but steering, brakes, and drive train were left intact. would other people in the centipede, be considered passengers, or drivers??? Passengers are not allowed, but since you would be actively driving your part of the centipede... I would think, You would in fact be considered a driver...
Your friendly neighborhood dirt track may already do a chain race. I seem to recall going to one where the front car was the power and the rear car provided braking. Or something like that.
Before you actually begin building something stupid/genius like this, send an email to Nick Pon. His email address is on their contact page. I'm pretty sure the answer will be, "No way in hell."
Rules are guidelines. They're not meant to be exhaustive and cover every possible crazy thing you can think of.
But he might make an exception if the exhaust from the first car feeds the intake of the second, and so on.
Did you fail to read the iTunes user agreement?
Alan Cesar wrote:
But he might make an exception if the exhaust from the first car feeds the intake of the second, and so on.
How well would that work? Is there enough oxygen for the engine to run at all?
7/27/13 9:29 a.m.
Fun fact, this is also the plot of the third movie, but you don't want to know where the lemons go.
Here is what you can serve at the race:
Epicmealtime centipede. More goodness from Canada!
I'd say use the exhaust from car 1 to feed the turbo on car 2 etc...
I sent off an email, I also suggested that perhaps the cars could be considered separate entries. If one of then dies, the dead portion gets chopped off and the remaining pieces of the centipede continue.
In reply to drsmooth:
I think a big draw for the promoters would be the idea of the second or third car dying from ingesting the previous cars waste and having to be drug around the rest of the race. :D
Tom Suddard wrote:
Alan Cesar wrote:
But he might make an exception if the exhaust from the first car feeds the intake of the second, and so on.
How well would that work? Is there enough oxygen for the engine to run at all?
My guess is back pressure would prevent the first car from starting. So you'd have to crank all engines at once. If they all started, I'd bet the downstream ones would choke out pretty quickly, and the back pressure would stall the lead engine.
But at least you won't need therapy.
I'm going to drop this observation:
I noticed drsmooth posting about the following topics:
Human Centipede.
...That is all.
Tom Suddard wrote:
Alan Cesar wrote:
But he might make an exception if the exhaust from the first car feeds the intake of the second, and so on.
How well would that work? Is there enough oxygen for the engine to run at all?
I bet most modern cars could run off of my 13B's idle exhaust. It's like a baby, a very large percentage of what goes in goes right back out again unprocessed.
How about this: The second car steers the front one. Noit by direct mechanical means, but just from trailer-sway.
Wow, that sounds even worse than I thought...
motomoron wrote:
I'm going to drop this observation:
I noticed drsmooth posting about the following topics:
- Bidets.
- Toilets.
- Human Centipede.
...That is all.
What can I say, other than this!!!! One good idea leads to another.
Also one of my good friends is a plumber. He recommended bidets. Especially in the country since it is way cheaper than a Septic tank pump out, or the expensive septic system friendly toilet paper.
I actually told him about the shop vac trick and he now uses it. It is way faster than a snake or auger.
As far as the "Automotive Centipede" as I will call it if it hits the track. Completely unrelated to the other two.
I think the first car should just be carrying a spare car piggyback. Kind of like a spare tire... Only bulkier, funnier and epic.
I think someone needs to hang a Yugo off the back of a Lincoln via a set of lifeboat davits.
Thanks to this thread, I actually watched the movie last night. It expected...
This car should happen 
What about this? it splits into two separate driving cars so you had a jam car handy whenever you needed one and with the four wheel steering you could crab across the track to make passing difficult.
Q: how can these be driven separate? I ? how long to separate them
A: There is a retractable wheel in the rear of each car that is lowered by an electric jack. It takes less than 30 seconds to separate them.
Jul 28, 2013
Q: can they be driven while together? Or must they be separated?
A: They can be driven while they are together. They can also be separated and driven, whatever you want.
In reply to Wally:
You could spin out and not need to worry about getting the car turned around!
Someone please buy that. The GF said hell no.