8/16/08 7:35 a.m.
Well, another storm has SoFla in the crosshairs. Even though it's still WAY out there, the forcast has it coming directly towards us. This means the entire population is going to be completely nuts till it passes us. It is hard to explain the way people freak out in these times. Home Depot will be a place to stay away from if at all possible. Arggh.
Yeah, I'm tracking it right now, planning my strategy in case I need to start laying in supplies. If I do, the LAST place I'll be going is Home Depot. Or any other big-box store.
A number of the models show it coming our way, so Tim might have a hard time flying in from Monterey Tuesday night--which is also our 25th anniversary. Even if these clouds have a silver lining, not exactly how I was hoping to celebrate.
8/16/08 8:36 a.m.
Ah, romance. Hiding under a mattress in the inside bathroom.
8/16/08 8:40 a.m.
Ah...the "cone of uncertainty". After Hurricane Andrew, my Parents went into survival mode every time a tropical storm threatened. Storm shutters,water,ice,canned goods etc.
They are visiting my Sister now in Deerfield Beach, and are going nuts because they are East of Federal Hwy.
Well I believe no one would want my job right now. I am Mass Care coordinator for the Coast to Coast Chapter of the Red Cross which covers 7 counties in Fla From Daytona to the west coast. If it gets here I have to figure out how to take care of everyone.
8/16/08 8:55 a.m.
Good luck and God bless for that job. Lots of coffee and no thanks for you. Since you cover the entire width of the state, I don't see how you can avoid this one. Red Cross is usually well prepared, are you concerned this time?
Not so much if it stays off west coast. If it comes in it will make a mess. The problem is the people who donot get ready. they are the ones who yell for help first. It takes a bit to get rolling after the storm passes.
8/16/08 10:29 a.m.
It seems to me that people are burned out with preparation. Either they are ready, or don't care. We are pretty well set up, but our neighborhood has a lot of old trees that will create havoc if a Cat 2 comes through. I am going to get plenty of gas for the generator that sits in my living room corner. We had no power for three weeks after Wilma, never going to happen again. Does North Carolina get hurricanes? I'm ready to get out of Dodge.
Looks like we will get some of this, probably just rain. I wish the best for you Floridians.
North Carolina gets hurricanes on the coast all the time, Wilmington seems to be in the bullseye. Western NC and SC are hurricane free.
glad I'm in upstate NY, all we have to worry about is a bad snow storm... best luck floridians
semi O/T, makes me think of my cousin. left florida for costal missassippi. spent some time in Iraq, came home with a Purple Heart from a morter attack, and within 3 months Katrina hit. Only the foundation was left. Now he's in kansas and tornado alley
Guns, ammo, water, chainsaw, flashlights.
Bring it. I hope they name it Scrambles. Scrambles the Death Dealer.
I will be prepared! Prepared to work on the challenge car in the fricken rain again!
8/16/08 11:10 p.m.
I was really concerned about my Bug getting damaged by hurricanes when I lived in Naples, I just kept in the house, problem solved. Did you know an air cooled bug will fit through a standard width set of french doors? It also dealt with the whole bug/humidity problem pretty well, since living in developed swampland is NOT conducive to enjoyable outdoor wrenching. ;)
MrJoshua wrote:
I will be prepared! Prepared to work on the challenge car in the fricken rain again!
Irony is changing a leaking waterpump in the rain.
Is it still leaking? I CAN'T TELL!
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
A number of the models show it coming our way, so Tim might have a hard time flying in from Monterey Tuesday night--which is also our 25th anniversary. Even if these clouds have a silver lining, not exactly how I was hoping to celebrate.
If it does, and he can't, bring the kids and come visit Mrs. Mini and me. I can't promise much romance but you'll eat well and maybe have some fun.
When did Margie lose the Queen Dork title and become General Manager? Does it sound more "mature"? We always knew she was the BOSS.
WHAT?! I'm not the Queendork anymore? Is nothing sacred?
Oh boy, a hurricane. On the plus side, in the past few weeks we have trimmed our trees, sealed the deck, painted the house and fixed two small leaks. The CRX, which can take on some water, now lives in the garage, too.
8/18/08 11:39 a.m.
It doesn't look like you guys will get anything worse than a typical summer thunderstorm. In Ft.Lauderdale right now we have a feeder band going over. Moderate rain, a breeze, that's it. Expect it to be like this untill Tues. night. Of course my house looks like a storm bunker, but I'm at my office. More peaceful here.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
WHAT?! I'm not the Queendork anymore? Is nothing sacred?
I guess it's got something to do with that last birthday, Margie. 
CWH - Make sure that generator is in a well-ventilated place when don't want CO poisoning. We loose somebody every year because they run the generator indoors during a power blackout. Of course, can't leave the generator outside either, because somebody will steal it!!
Good luck with "Kay"..
I just spoke to my grandmother, and she said they're getting a lot of rain in South Florida right now. She had plans to go out today, but she decided to cancel them and stay indoors. It's still dry here in Holly Hill.
8/18/08 3:40 p.m.
We know all about not running a generator in the house. My neighborhood is not the nicest, so if we have to fire it up, it will be protected by my little freind Mak. That's short for Makorov. He only has one nostril, poor guy. It's .357 inches, and makes a terrible noise when he sneezes.