Check out the 5 day cone. Atlanta appears to be in worse trouble than us.
They just canceled school on Tuesday and Wednesday. We've only been back one day!
New Reader
8/18/08 6:35 p.m.
What's that big "S" at 2PM Wed doing right over my house!!!!!!
Looks like we may be getting an extra day or two off work this week. Hope everyone stays safe.
Tommy Suddard wrote:
They just canceled school on Tuesday and Wednesday. We've only been back one day!
Shortly after the local news showed that Flagler County schools were out tomorrow (We live in Flagler, which is one county north of Volusia where world HQ and Tommy's school is. My wife teaches elementary in Flagler)... anyway, just after the news showed that Dana had the day off to gather batteries and ammo, we got the automated call from the school superintendent saying "Do not believe what you have heard on the news media! School will be in session tomorrow and learning WILL take place!" That's almost a direct quote.
Flagler got hosed pretty bad a couple of years ago when they closed down for an approaching storm that turned out to be a dud. After that I think it would take a blood hurricane full of bowling balls made out of knives to close down the schools.
This thing has got one weird 5 day track. It's supposed to make a hard left 90 just about over Jacksonville, then head across toward Tallahassee.
8/19/08 6:51 a.m.
Looks like the new World Headquartes is going to get a roof check. We got (are getting) lots of rain in Ft.Lauderdale, but not much wind. Pretty much a non-event. Hope all goes well further north.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
8/19/08 8:40 a.m.
interestingly enough, the storm actually strengthened a touch in terms of minimum central pressure AFTER it was over land. weird.
My parents in Naples just lost a few branches
Yeah, that's bass ackwards. This storm seems to be pretty minimal as hurricanes go but it is sure doing some weird stuff.
Tom Heath
Production Editor
8/19/08 10:35 a.m.
Darwin visits tropical storm, that wasn't me.
8/19/08 11:36 a.m.
That happened about 2 miles from my house. People do some really stooopid things during storms.
Please send Fay to Columbus Oh, Hi ya
we could use the rain!
Tom Heath wrote:
Darwin visits tropical storm, that wasn't me.
Can't link a video from work, but if that was the kite surfing guy, my first thought: 'Dope on a rope'.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
8/19/08 1:01 p.m.
Yea, I'm going to hell, I can't watch that without chuckling.
Let that be a lesson to all: don't tie yourself to a giant sail in the middle of a hurricane, for fun.
8/19/08 4:07 p.m.
And, don't say "Gee, I wish a tropical storm could come by here cause we could use the rain". You might just get 12" and 60mph winds to go with it. No fun.
I'm guessing the guy standing around in a harness is his buddy. I wonder if he's thinking "thank God that wasn't me" or saying "Dude... extreme!"
Suppose it depends on how dumb (or drunk) they were when they first thought it might be a good idea.
New Reader
8/19/08 9:56 p.m.
As of 8AM 8/20 looks like it's basically sitting right on Daytona Beach. Stay safe and dry, guys.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
8/20/08 7:19 a.m.
Meh. It's still about 50 miles south of here. The question it just going to keep sitting there? or is it going to move out a bit, strengthen and come back in.
so far, we've just gotten some small branches down and leaves...not even that much rain.
hurray for being on the left side of the storm and not the right.
8/20/08 7:38 a.m.
I hate the waitng. You know it's coming, you know it's going to do a few bad things, but it just sits out there, totally unpredicable and mindless. They have been doing a much better job of predicting, but this one is WAY off the predicted track. Of course my family in Tampa is happy they were wrong. Hoping y'all fare well.