Harvey is officially a Cat 1 Hurricane. Latest predictions show it will likely hit the coast as a Cat 3. Also seeing sustained Hurricane force/Tropical force winds in Austin. 10-15 inches of rain into Austin and pretty much all of south Texas with isolated amounts up to 25 inches. Those of you in Houston or any other south Texas city make sure you're staying up to date with latest weather, this thing is poised to dump a ton of rain. I'm not usually one for over preparing but with the kiddo, I'll be stocking up on water, diapers and food that is ready to eat here in Austin. Stay safe!
i've been watching it all day. 1pm CDT advisory predicting a strong Cat3 by landfall with winds up to 125mph. this has gone from "probably nothing" to "impending disaster" in like 6 hours.
Ouch, that's a pretty crappy forecast. That's truly going to suck if it stalls on top of you. Good luck.
Getting the backhoe attached to the JD4410 for when my canopy is compromised.....oh and the chainsaws are locked and loaded (tomball tx.) 
I have gas for the chainsaw and stocked up on non perishables. The water was already gone at Walmart at 8:30 this morning though I suspect they have a steady stream of trucks headed from parts north.
I love you guys over in Austin, but if this thing stays mostly South/West of us here in Houston, it won't make me sad. I've already don't the hurricane/week without power thing once. I'm ok never doing it again.
I think we are far enough in that all we'll have to worry about is rain.
When is it supposed to make landfall?
Things should be getting hairy for the coast by tomorrow morning. The forecast track becomes super unstable once it hits land. The concern is that it will do something like tropical storm Allison and just sit in one spot for 36 hours. 30+ inches of rain can't flow out all at once. As long as it keeps moving things should be fine. Hopefully. I'm a bit nervous for my friend who just bought a fixer upper house in Austin.
In reply to mazdeuce:
All signs are pointing to it moving west of Houston proper and giving full brunt to Corpus area. We've now been upgraded to the 5-10 inch range for rain. 30 inches or rain is staggering, I hope that doesn't affect you guys in Houston. My brother lives in houston and lives behind 2 ponds at his apartment, if those come over their banks he'll be swimming out his front door.
It's starting to get a bit scary. I'd already planned on working on my son's car this weekend and I may take off tomorrow to get it done before it hits us here in Austin. Besides the strength of the hurricane, they're also worried about a high pressure ridge north of it and one coming in from the east looping under it. There's a chance those two high pressure systems will cause it to stall when it hits landfall. Latest I've seen says it'll hit tomorrow night and not clear out until Thursday.....
Lots of people are already headed north from the coast.
Good luck to everyone.
8/24/17 3:25 p.m.
New Orleans is going to be a mess again if this dumps a ton of rain on the city. Apparently their pumps are already either broken or working at less than capacity.
Batten down the hatches folks, this one may surprise everyone.
If any GRMers need to flee, the room above the Grosh is open. The further this thing stays from Houston the better those accommodations are.
I get worried about storms stalling because Allison dropped 40 inches of rain on Houston. That sucked, and we didn't even get much rain on the north side. That much water anywhere is devastating.
8/24/17 3:48 p.m.
Good luck, y'all. My thoughts and hopes are with you.
8/24/17 4:11 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
I have gas for the chainsaw and stocked up on non perishables. The water was already gone at Walmart at 8:30 this morning though I suspect they have a steady stream of trucks headed from parts north.
I love you guys over in Austin, but if this thing stays mostly South/West of us here in Houston, it won't make me sad. I've already don't the hurricane/week without power thing once. I'm ok never doing it again.
Check costco if you can. When Matthew came through everyone was out, but costco had water. I'll admit, it's rather funny to watch an entire pallet of water get stripped like the proverbial cow in a piranha pond.
Best scenario for most everyone in Texas would be it landfalling just NE of Corpus... don't want to be on it's NE side. Never know with these things, and most often there is a curve to the NE as they get closer to shore. Allison was fun, I had to jack up my Integra on jackstands just to keep the rocker panels above water. Harvey seems to have potential to dump more water than Allison...especially if it stalls as predicted. Have no idea on how my current house will handle it...but it is further inland, somewhat, than the one we went through Allison with... You never know until you're in the middle of it though - big storm systems are weird and complicated things...that to weird things sometimes.
Been a quite a while since we've had a hurricane...and Harvey seems to be a large one that is going to bring LOTS of rain.
I may shrug at "feet of snow", but when someone says "feet of rain"...

Stay safe down there.
Filled up my 5 gallon water jug, grabbed some beer from the store and put some of the outdoor mobile plants in. Should be interesting.
Who pissed off the 6ft rabbit?
Good luck guys. Stay safe and remember that property isn't worth your life.
What the berk kind of predicted storm track is that? I get to sit around and wait for this stupid storm to wander over here sometime Wednesday morning?
Read any good books lately?? need to hone your Autocad skills?
Good luck to all the GRM'ers in this storm's path. Stay safe!
Bad scene for sure. The thing that really surprised me? I read an article pointing out how few people in that part of the state have flood insurance. It's not like that area needs a hurricane to flood either.
Even in Corpus Christi it was less than 50%.
8/25/17 9:07 a.m.
Hmm.. I'm supposed to fly into New Orleans Monday evening for a Tuesday presentation and Wednesday shop visit for work. Crap.