mndsm wrote:
thedanimal wrote:
mndsm wrote:
How bad is the waffle house quotient?
So I had no idea this was actually a thing. They have "jump teams" they fly in to keep them open while the poo hits the fan. They also have a "Waffle House storm playbook". Apparently 28 of the 30 in Houston have remained open
I first heard about it during Matthew last year. I love me some waffle house hash browns, but the quotient just makes it better. I'd totally be on a waffle house jump team.
Waffle house hash browns are damn tasty. I was thinking that exact same thing, jump team certainly adds a layer of intrigue to making eggs and bacon.
Ian F
8/30/17 9:27 a.m.
In reply to mndsm:
I didn't know it was "a thing" either. I will say when I was in the Triangle area of NC some years ago (2003?) during an ice storm that knocked out power for days, the Waffle House near my hotel was one of the only places open. No power, but the grill is gas so they kept cooking. I think they even busted out an old-school CC imprinter if you didn't have cash.
Definitely brutal pictures and reports. And who knows how long it will take for the water to recede.
FYI, is matching donations, up to $10,000 to Team Rubicon for Harvey Relief.
Team Rubicon Matching
When we returned home after Matthew last year, we were hungry and all of the food in the fridge was bad. Let's see if Waffle House is open, I said. And it was. They had a generator out front. They offered a limited menu, but the staff was totally on the ball.

During dinner they had to do something with the generator, so they place went dark. They gave us a heads-up. The staff used their cell phones to see, and everyone kept eating like nothing happened.

8/30/17 3:37 p.m.
In reply to David S. Wallens:
That's level 2 of the waffle house quotient. If they'd gotten to level 3, the waffle house probably wouldn't have been there. It's fascinating.
Mrs. Deuce and Deucekid#1 are off with the high School track team gathering organizing and distributing stuff. I'm headed over to visit my co-driver from One Lap 2015 in the morning with a shop vac and dehumidifiers to see if we can salvage a couple of his cars that were in a bit over two feet of water. Inside his garage. Lots of work to be done.
Isn't there a race at COTA next weekend?
This weekend. PWC is in town. The track is fine. Just got back from there. If you need a distraction, the Friday races are free to everyone.
It great to see companies stepping up to help out. Our friends at Covercraft are matching funds up to a total of $10,000 for Harvey victims. Pitch in if you can--- they'll double your money!
Covercraft Harvey relief
Just waiting on the waters to recede enough so we can get back IN . Hopefully tomorrow we can head back down to Houston and my property (which should be okay, based on talking with neighbor) and help out my sister and brother in-law with their property.
This was I10 near Beaumont 2 days ago:
The Houston area actually drains well. The problem isn't drainage, it's 40 inches of rain. I helped a friend dry out cars today. Water at his house dropped six feet in 48 hours. I was down another six inches while I was there.
Thanks to everyone who had donated and volunteered. There is so much help that they are turning people away. So many clothes that they could clothe the whole city, not just those displaced. Now the focus is on individuals. Helping tear wet drywall out of houses before the mold sets in. Helping to find places for people in shelters. Finding enough cheap cars for people that need them to get to work.
And don't forget the outlying areas. From Houston all the way to central Louisiana is like this. Homes and cars and families drying out, fixing things, and trying to assemble the resources to get back to normal life.
My BIL is on his way back to his house today. I'll be interested to hear what the damage is. After that, I'll know where I'll be this weekend. In Houston helping him out or here in Austin at COTA Flagging for PWC. Either way it's a good weekend of volunteering.
8/31/17 5:42 p.m.
Damn, I wish I had dealer access still. I'm 15 min from one of the biggest auctions in the country and would have no problem getting a pile of cars.
In reply to David S. Wallens:
The most American rescue imaginable.
That chemical plant finally popped.
In reply to Wall-e:
How long before any politician is seen riding in one "helping" people.
Never let a good disaster go to waste.
9/1/17 6:43 p.m.
In reply to Fueled by Caffeine:
A good politician won't be known until well after.
Say what you want about the red neck, flag waving, mud slinging, cheap beer drinking, good old boys. When the feces hits the rotary oscillator, I know who I want to be hanging out with.
9/2/17 6:36 a.m.
I live in Wisconsin and was watching the local news. They showed that the wisconsin cheese board is sending 17,000 lbs of cheese as relief. Dont worry I also saw Wheat Thins loaded up too!
9/2/17 8:38 a.m.
It took NOLA about a decade to return to pre Katrina population levels. I'm curious to see how the long term displacement and relocation plays out, particularly the 2020 census and how that changes the literal and figurative political landscape.
Imagine if you will returning to your home after evacuating to discover a 30+ inch water mark inside. Then after all the emotional strength you can muster you realize it's all gone... I was there today for six plus hours schlepping wet everything(bedding clothes furniture sheetrock baseboard entertainment) out the front door of a complete strangers house to piles on the edge of the street. This is just one neighborhood among many here in H'town .....prayers please. I'll tell more of the home with the late forties BOP collction sitting out front under the car port...peace y'all
we are getting the remnants here now, nothing but lots of rain. Irma looks like it will be getting too close for comfort