Mr_Asa MegaDork
10/7/24 5:57 p.m.

Makes sense to have a different thread to track different disasters, and this looks like it'll be a disaster. 

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/7/24 6:13 p.m.

It does. Be safe, everyone. 

Mndsm MegaDork
10/7/24 6:18 p.m.

I am currently debating the merit of moving the jeep. The one tree I have that could impact anything i have would hit the jeep square if it fell right. Its unlikely that it will.....but who knows.  

brandonsmash GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
10/7/24 6:29 p.m.

A Cat 5 coming in so soon on the heels of Helene is really a kick in the pants. I hope y'all in the path are either well-prepared or are getting out. Just don't go to NC, they have their hands full already. 


CrustyRedXpress GRM+ Memberand Dork
10/7/24 6:37 p.m.
brandonsmash said:

A Cat 5 coming in so soon on the heels of Helene is really a kick in the pants. I hope y'all in the path are either well-prepared or are getting out. Just don't go to NC, they have their hands full already. 

Just booked an Air BnB in Miami. Currently it's out of the cone...currently.

EDIT: Any GRM'ers in Miami that want to have a hurricane beer near Kendal hmu!

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
10/7/24 6:40 p.m.

Gainesville Raceway is open for those seeking a place to park a rig.

03Panther PowerDork
10/7/24 6:41 p.m.

I live near Dothan Al. Last one made it just east of us. This one will well south. 
However, unless it stays south and wipes out Homestead (hey, it's happened before) I have a job starting there on Monday morning, if I'm there or not. 
So somewhat concerned about having to drive through another hurricane (I've had to drive through several, through the years - thankfully never been flipped over; although I've seen it in person)

Hopefully, I'll be behind the worst of it, and also hope everyone in it's path has my previous good blessings as to not get hurt in one. 
Big concern about all the traffic concerns I'll encounter. 

03Panther PowerDork
10/7/24 6:43 p.m.

In reply to CrustyRedXpress :

Wish I could make it that soon, but I'll either be right behind it, as you're headed home, or right in it surprise

03Panther PowerDork
10/7/24 6:46 p.m.

In reply to David S. Wallens :

No camper with me this trip, just the 03Merc, but I can live outa the car a few days. Plan to have extra gas with me as well. When are they going to open that up?

I imagine I wouldn't be to Ganesville till late Thursday; hopefully things will be settling down by then! 

aircooled MegaDork
10/7/24 6:50 p.m.

Forcasts:  10-15 ft surge in Tampa seems.... bad.

10/7/24 6:50 p.m.

Mom landed in Toronto this afternoon and one brother in Georgia with his family. Have not managed to contact other brother who lives in Pinellas park and am pretty sure plans to ride this out as he has every other hurricane. I THINK he is in a zone D for what it is worth.

Stampie MegaDork
10/7/24 7:17 p.m.
CrustyRedXpress said:
brandonsmash said:

A Cat 5 coming in so soon on the heels of Helene is really a kick in the pants. I hope y'all in the path are either well-prepared or are getting out. Just don't go to NC, they have their hands full already. 

Just booked an Air BnB in Miami. Currently it's out of the cone...currently.

EDIT: Any GRM'ers in Miami that want to have a hurricane beer near Kendal hmu!

I wouldn't trust Miami that much.  If you need to head north I'm sure Bob would share his bed with you.

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
10/7/24 7:35 p.m.

I'm doing this one alone, since the whole famn damily is in KY for the Bluegrass Tour, and although I'm prepped, I'm scared. Sorry, I'm a wimp, and I hate night storms. Forecast is calling for 85mph+ winds here, storm surge of 3-5, which is ugly but no real killer. It'll just be a scary, scary night and a long time without power, because there's really no one left to come help us. But I'm a Floridian, I know the drill, and I'm pretty sure I can do a week here without water or power like breaking sticks. Just as long as the storm's passing doesn't give me a heart attack. See you on the other side.


aircooled MegaDork
10/7/24 7:54 p.m.

In reply to Marjorie Suddard :

Based on the forecast map above, it looks like the eye is forecast to cross Florida during the day (not that it won't be stormy before of course).  Since you are north of the eye, you should also mostly get slower winds that have had to pass over land.

AClockworkGarage Dork
10/7/24 7:56 p.m.

This reminds me of Charley. This one is not berkeleying around.

Preparation is the key here. Stay calm, make plans. Calm people live.

If you can get out of the way, do it.

make as much Ice as you can now.

Fill bottles with water, you don't know how long you may be without.

Hard boil your eggs, you can eat them later.

patio furniture in the pool.

important documents, papers etc in the dishwasher. It's water tight and secured to the counter.

No grilling indoors. No generators indoors.

All power lines are live.

Talk to your neighbors, find out how many people are there, tell them how many people are in your home.

Clean your yard of anything loose. Anything loose is a missile. Help your neighbors clear theirs.

If you are dealing with flood waters, and have to go into your attic bring an axe with you so you can cut an escape hatch to the roof. You do not want to be the cause of someone's nightmares.

You are all on the same team, and your goal is survive.

Shops are insured. They will be reimbursed for losses, if you need food or supplies take them, it's not looting, it's survival.

Help is coming, but you need to stay alive until it does. That is your only job.

vast majority of hurricane deaths occur post storm. You'll be hot sticky and tired, keep your wits about you.

Just because you own a chainsaw doesn't mean you know how to clear roads. a fallen tree may be under tension. Cutting a branch may cause a tree to spring out or shift. Be very careful.

Stay alive, no excuses.

Mr_Asa MegaDork
10/7/24 7:57 p.m.

Gf's Disney FB groups are reporting that Orlando has stations with no gasoline.  Tampa and St Pete have lines reportedly, but the port is right there so I doubt it will be horrible

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
10/7/24 7:57 p.m.

In reply to aircooled :

Unfortunately that's earliest arrival of those winds, not the meat of the storm. But keep it coming! News here is all hysterical, and I need saner inputs so I can sleep, because it's too easy to hurt yourself if you go into these situations sleep deprived.


TJL (Forum Supporter)
TJL (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
10/7/24 8:06 p.m.

In reply to Mr_Asa :

Gas stations are getting beat up pretty good in central Fl. My usual move, if needed, is to get up at like 5am and go get gas. They usually re-fill over night so if you can beat the crowds, you can get gas.  I have enough on hand to run the generator for about a week and the vehicles are full. Its gonna suck. 

Mr_Asa MegaDork
10/7/24 8:13 p.m.

Seeing conflicting reports of strength, but already in the top 10 of the Atlantic hurricanes.  Wondering if itll get top 3

hobiercr GRM+ Memberand UberDork
10/7/24 8:15 p.m.

Talking to a guy in ATL airport. It took his daughter 6 hrs to drive from Clearwater to Kissimmee. I75 is supposedly moving at about 6mph

Marjorie Suddard
Marjorie Suddard General Manager
10/7/24 8:21 p.m.

Also, Margie's finer points of storm prep:

Shock the E36 M3 out of your pool, if you have one; that's a prime source of bathing/flushing/nonpotable water.

Crank your air down cold on Wednesday. With the cooler, drier air coming behind this, you won't need aciof you keep the house closed and then open up Friday,

Double sinks in your bathroom and/or kitchen? Fill one with soapy water, the other with rinse water. It's really luxurious to be able to clean yourself and things.

frosty mugs in your freezer? Canning jars in your pantry? Those are water containers. Fill them in addition to the tupperwares you've already thrown in there

Clean your house. Do your laundry. Take a shower before you go to bed the night it's supposed to hit.

Don't count on being able to make it to outbuildings. Put your generator, gas cans,  chain saw, all that good stuff close.

Think about how standing water could trap your car. Park it on the highest ground closest to a road out, because you can wade out to it.

If you are even close to a flood zone, put an axe in your attic.

Pick your safe room and stock it tomorrow. Put your purse or wallet in there. Water and a bucket and a flashlight at a minimum. If you love yourself, make sure it's clean and has snacks and a place to rest. You don't have to go in there. But if you need it, it's there.

Tell your friends and family you'll text when you can, and ask them to wait to hear, if they can. It's really frustrating to blow your phone charge on a million "thinking of you" texts

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