EastCoastMojo wrote: Mmmmmmm, milk sandwiches.I always buy the steaks and beer.
See, I personally go for the twinkies beer and bourbon. Bread can mold, I know my twinkies will be good for years to come should I need it. I'll probably run out of the beer, hence the bourbon.
Anti-stance wrote: Next, it will be from the grocery stores where all the bread and milk is being horded.
Actually the beer isle is what gets depleted first.
Where I live in MS, it's gotta be a freak of nature to hit hard. But then, we had Camille, Andrew and Katrina all come by at Level 1 strength, of those I recall.
I was down visiting my sister in Boca Raton, Florida. It was my first road trip at driving age. I have lots of good memories from that trip; it's hard to believe it was 20 years ago! We holed up in her apartment and played cards while the storm went over.
I believe that was the trip I took with my brother; we were in his 1958 Willys wagon. I didn't get to drive that since it was a stick and I hadn't learned how to drive one yet.
Woody wrote: I'm partial to this one, on Pass-A-Grille:![]()
Hey, I know that place!
My worst season in Tampa Bay hurricanes was 2004. No direct hits but enough close calls to knock out our power twice for a week each time. We had the 7K Kohler cranked up and powering the essentials in 4 houses. Nothing like sitting in the hot dark night with a cold beer, a box fan, cable tv and power cords running everywhere. We went through a constant rotation of 5 gal cans feeding the generator.
I have a 5KW Coleman in my bedroom, will go to Jane's sons house if the storm looks like it will hit here. Have 6 five gallon jugs to fill, should hold for a while. There will be a party.
Bought plenty of Pop Tarts, saltine crackers, Snack Pack pudding and tortillas. Already had plenty of water on hand.
Looks like we will get a breeze, some rain, and a party. Key West is stocking up the bars, as they will probably get more of it. Then it's off to Tampa to rain on the Republicans parade.
so take this tongue in cheek but remember when Katrina wiped out New Orleans and some of the religious folks said it was becuase of the sin in America. Now here come Isaac on the opening day of the Republican convention in Tampa,fla. My twisted mind is going rampant with the idea that the Republican party is being told to repent and come back to the center from the outer zones they seem to be at right now.
To f86sabjf:
I was thinking somewhat along the same lines. When something "big" happens, all the televangelists (both known and unknown) put in their 2 cents worth on how it's The Lord's way of saying this or that. I guess because many of today's televangelists are Republican, there will be no divine interpetations of a hurricane hitting the Tampa area.
Jacksonville is not expected to be in the path of this hurricane, but THURSDAY morning, the local news started bleating about the possible effects and running stories from Tampa and local Home Depot stores. I did go to the grocery store yesterday, but I'm not sure what it meant when the store was out of frozen foods.
Saturday morning- Looks like it will be a bit more adventurous here in SoFla. Keys will get a direct hit for the first time in YEARS. Probably a CAT1, could be a lot worse. Here we expect tropical storm force winds. This will not be entertaining. The Repubs will have a very wet party. Pics will be taken.
I was kinda surprised GW turned on his weather machine for this. Next week will I get to see Kanye knock over Taylor Kennedy and proclaim George Bush hates Republicans?
poopshovel wrote:Anti-stance wrote: Next, it will be from the grocery stores where all the bread and milk is being horded.Having lived in both Florida and Georgia, I think this is pretty much exclusively a Georgia thing, though I haven't lived in Florida for 15 years or so, so who knows.
Really? Here in the Richmond, VA area, if there is a hint of foul weather, or heaven forbid--SNOW! the bread and milk flies off the shelves like a flock of frightened birds. I just took for granted it was the same everywhere, i.e. people are nuts.
I like how we can take any thread on any topic and turn it into political floundering. Good luck Florida and in before T.J. jumps in to say in before lock
I want to say that I hope all the rain provides a nice bath for the OWS protestors; just a few less smells for Tampa to deal with.
Too bad the convention center doesn't have a retractable roof, though.
OK, now we can lock this thread.
Funny that the Dems floundering this post didn't seem to know that Biden was flying into Tampa on Monday...
oldsaw wrote: I want to say that I hope all the rain provides a nice bath for the OWS protestors; just a few less smells for Tampa to deal with.
Are they even still around? Shows how important they are... when nobody talks about them anymore.
f86sabjf wrote: so take this tongue in cheek but remember when Katrina wiped out New Orleans and some of the religious folks said it was becuase of the sin in America. Now here come Isaac on the opening day of the Republican convention in Tampa,fla. My twisted mind is going rampant with the idea that the Republican party is being told to repent and come back to the centerfrom the outer zones they seem to be at right now.
Naw, it's just showing them they need to shake things up. Call it a visual aid if you will.
integraguy wrote: I did go to the grocery store yesterday, but I'm not sure what it meant when the store was out of frozen foods.
Wait, what? Buying frozen when there's a chance of losing power? Have any of those people ever been through a hurricane before? We always stocked canned/dry goods. If you have to boil water anyway, might as well have some pasta hanging around.
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