Datsun1500 wrote:
1st thing: It's border, not boarder. You cross a border, you rent to a boarder.
Very helpful, that. The other stuff was interesting too, but the pedantic details are really the heart of the matter.
Thanks for the info everyone - scheme canceled.
Minis come up for sale stateside occasionally. Easier than jumping through flaming hoops at the boarder.
Apis_Mellifera wrote:
a small tarped object labeled "Not a WMD" .....
That's awesome. I'm going to get notawmd as a vanity plate on my ratty SAAB c900 turbo!
OK, so what if you drive up, put the Mini into a boat, float it back to the US, then boat back to Canada, and drive home?

Just drive it home underwater, screw those Canadians and their anti-you-having-a-Mini rules!
Look, if I can't be trusted to differentiate between the words "border" and "boarder" on the internet (and let's face facts, things like that are important and everyone knows grammer is job one any time your spitballing over a scheme), then how on earth could I pull that off without braking some inpordant parts of the car, like bumbpers for example? Its serious business hear. I've recieved some good advice. There's no way I'd say "no way" and proceed at this point and have somebody gloat over me loosing $5000. Furthermore, a submarine Mini is just silly. It's English and everyone knows water can't be kept out. I did however consider building a large ramp and jumping the car back over the fence on the Canada/ US boarder. I understand the fence waste hi in spots near Montana. Prolly.
Jeez, what is this—R3Vlimited?!
Just to be clear, changing a vin is a federal offense that can carry up to 10 years jail time. see
Sneaking something across the boarder is customs fraud and smuggling. Not sure, but also fines/jail if caught.
Customs is cracking down on this stuff, don't think that it is necessarily in the clear if its on this side of the border.
Defender 90's are a hot item right now. Customs has already been there on Mini's, still know about it.
In my experience, the actual border crossing isn't a big deal. It's the registration paperwork - and that can be done at a later time. Although, as mentioned, every one of my cars was driven across by the owner.