the best plan is not to have a plan...
Pfffft people "dissapear" all the time!
Don't do it all dramatically, no fake suicide, no plane crash, nothing.
Just leave for work one day, call in sick to work, but dont tell anyone else that you are "sick". work will assume you are sick and everyone else will assume you are at work. this give you an 8 hour jump before anyone even suspects anything.
Provided you are not wanted for anything, just have your alternate Identity set up before you leave. You still can get a second Identity pretty easily (I work in Information security and Identity Management).
If you are wanted for something by the authorities, you can still disappear, just use your alternate identity and switch coasts.
Fingerprints may be a problem, if you are wanted for something major, but if you are not then even that isn't a problem as the governments database only holds finger prints for about a year, except in the cases of murder and the like.
If you want to disappear, you can. Think about it, have you ever wndered what happend to a friend from high school, tried to look them up and not found them, and only after they get on Facebook or something did you find them.. So Just not publicise yourself, no biggie.
you don't need to crash a plane to get away, just slip away.
now we get into different situations. Maybe there is a bigger reason to try and fake your death, and that would call for much different planing than just slipping away.
Dropping off the face of the earth is easy. Doing so in comfort is not so easy. Coming from the life of rich leisure makes it harder still.
Having wads of cash certainly makes it far easier to do. But the wad has to be big, and able to last basically a lifetime. The more comfort you want, the bigger that wad had better be. A couple of grand ain't gonna cut it.
The notion that illegal imigrants from Mexico do it so it must be easy for a rich guy is downright silly. The standards of living expected by each group are vastly different, to the point of incompatability. A rich white duded will not be able to tolerate the lifestyle of a mexican illegal attempting to lay low and earn a few bucks.
Many times it's simply time that catches up with a person. You go through life interacting with others, and someone recognizes your face. The more you interact, the more people will see your face. A rich white dude will hold his head high and be arrogent. He will will be caught because of this.
Living as a hermit does make it possible to disapear. Most folk cannot tolerate this lifestyle.
I don't think this guy was in a good enough mental state of mind to plan anything. I guess he thought the plane was going to make it to the Gulf of Mexico and wouldn't be found. Too bad it ran out of fuel and crashed in Fla. He had money in offshore accounts and was probably trying to leave the country.
Beaurocracy is your best friend. Find someone your same basic age and gender in the obits, then go to city hall. There is s procedue for replacing a lost ID and birth certificate, just claim that you are the dead person. No one will figure it out for weeks and you'll be living in a trailer park somewhere else.
Or share a SS# with someone else. That's how the illegals do it. 5-10 people claim the same number, but never the same job or at the same time. The government actually makes out because they collect taxes multiple times and no one ever gets to claim it.
My younger brother lost his license for DUI, then he and my older brother shared a common drivers' license number for about 4 years until one of them got pulled over and got smart with the cop (long story).
Wally wrote: I have the birth cretificate of a classmate who died in the third grade.
Rusty Shackleford?
aircooled wrote: What I don't understand about his plan was: Isn't it rather suspicious to find a plane crash with NO body. I mean what conclusion was he thinking they would come to? Eaten by animals? Maybe he wanted the plane to go down in the ocean or something. I suspect one of the hard things about "disappearing" is that most people would have a very hard time not having some connection to there past life (parents etc). It's obviously a pretty extreme measure. It kind of reminds me of the classic sci-fi time traveler situation: "everyone I have ever know is long dead"
His plan was for the plane to crash in the gulf. It ran out of gas first.
Disappearing is relatively easy, as most have realized. Re-appearing with any quality of life is tougher.
There is, of course, one REALLY good way to accomplish both.
I think it is called the Federal Witness Protection Program.
EastCoastMojo wrote:ClemSparks wrote: What would you do? ClemDude. I am seriously not about to give that info here.![]()
Although the whereabouts of EastCoastMojo has not yet been determined, insight into the workings of her diabolical mind can be found in this January 2009 posting she made on a renegade car thug web site.
Tim Baxter wrote: ... driving a fire truck with a loose, active hose through the Burning Man festival while screaming into a bullhorn "take a shower, hippies"--
Well, now you've spoiled my $2009 Challenge theme ...
Disappearing is very easy; and if I can do it...... For example: 15 years ago I was Chris Tomlinson..........................and a woman. BTW, surgery helps. I know a great doctor in the Phillipines if anyone is so inclined.
fastasleep wrote: Disappearing is very easy; and if I can do it. For example: 15 years ago I was Chris Tomlinson..........................and a woman. BTW, surgery helps. I know a great doctor in the Phillipines if anyone is so inclined. -Leslie
Don't think I need to disappear quite that bad, thank you.
Dr. Hess wrote: Well, for the 20 million illegal imigrants (15% of our population), it doesn't seem to be much of a problem, does it?
I think 15% is the total percentage of Hispanics in our population, not the percentage of illegal immigrants.
Are illegals IN our population?
So, here we have a Skruffy truck stop hooker:
skruffy wrote: ... Landscaping, truck stop hooker, etc...
Well Clem, it's been nice knowing you around here, gets the Miatae when you split????
Wally wrote: I have the birth cretificate of a classmate who died in the third grade.
You should post it in the Classified section...
petegossett wrote: Well Clem, it's been nice knowing you around here, gets the Miatae when you split????![]()
Oh...they'd have fallen off of jackstands and squished me into oblivion. Part of my plan. They'd probably be kept as evidence ;).
Either that or I'd bonzai one over the Rio Grande.
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