Need speakers for the Hyundai - it's currently got 4" in the doors and I want to go up to 5.25" on the cheap. (by on the cheap I mean two ways with a crossover for <$100) I'm torn between the following:
What does everybody think? I was originally going to go with the MB's because they're the cheapest but I have a soft spot for Polks...
In reply to chknhwk:
Oh yeah, the car currently has the stock stereo setup with a Kenwood headunit. Plans are ghetto mid-90's era stereo theme with a bass tube and small amp in the back. 
Go for it. Buy it from Crutchfield. Fast, free shipping, and they'll include any special plugs to adapt to your factory wiring, if required.
No affiliation. I just love Crutchfield service and I always recommend them.
They're also $37 more than one of the links I posted. I doubt almost $40 more is worth free shipping and some free crimps. Granted if the price was a little closer - say within $7-9 and I still got the free shipping I'd be willing to go with them but like I said, I'm looking to do this on the cheap.
I hear ya! Those prices are very good. Crutchfield compares very favorably to most conventional outlets, but I forget sometimes what cheapskates you guys are! 
imo polks do sound nice.
disclaimer i am not an audiophile with superhuman hearing capabilities
5-1/4 should bolt right in, i thought it was the oem size for the front doors of the accent.
In reply to failboat:
Please don't tell me they're 5-1/4, I thought they were 4". If they're 5.25"s then I'm going to start looking for 6.5"s and I don't want to do that. 
I have not taken mine out yet so I cannot confirm, but I do have a set of old 5-1/4 polk-momo components NIB in my garage....just waiting.....
check on hyundai-forums though I am pretty sure some others have installed 6.5's
Check for some crazy prices.
I'd go with the Polks. The DB-series are a very good budget speaker.
Don't bother with the 6.5s. If you're going to do a sub of some kind, the 5.25s will be plenty, without having to hack up your doors. 5.25s are a "faster" speaker typically anyways.
Crutchfield says they should be 6.5" - I could have sworn they were 4" from my last search. 
the accent has 5.25's stock, mounted in a plastic ring thats the same size/diameter as a 6.5 speaker. Hence why the larger speakers fit.
What is your source if you don't mind me asking?
Now more decision time - 5.25 or 6.5"...
seeing folks install threads on hyundai-forums.
Here is the one in specific I was thinking of. Jump to page 5 if the link doesnt take you there.
Sweet, thank you. Things are starting to make a little more sense.
Side note, I like what he used for mounting his speakers - dollar store cutting boards, brllnt!
So back to the original question, which speakers does the GRM collective recommend? Which of the posted specimens provides the greatest value and performance for the dollar?
get more mileage out of a cheap pair of speakers.
Raid your local pick-n-pull for any car that is fresh and look for relatively new aftermarket speakers. you should be able to buy them for ~$20 a pair.
If I were to go new, I just look at specs and go from there. Though right now my main spec is price then size. I can always make adapter brackets.
avoid these particular MB Quarts. both Polks listed are ridiculously more efficient and will play louder/better with less watts.
Also +1 for Crutchfield. They make up for the price difference by utterly destroying all others in customer service. For your dollar you generally get every OEM quick-plug you need for what you buy, and a complete multi-page install explosion dedicated to your car. Along with tech support outside 9-5.
Infinity reference all the way. I bought a pair of Polks a few years ago, and was really disappointed. Maybe that's unusual, but I have used the Infinities in everything from 4 to 6 x 9's, and would use nothing else. I have 6.5's in my car and truck now.
You can find new surplus on ebay anywhere from a quarter to half price.
I've built home audio speakers as a hobby for over 30 years. I'm no expert, but I know a good speaker when I hear one.
In reply to madmallard:
Ah, thank you for pointing out the shortcomings with the MB Quartz, that helps a lot.
In reply to Zomby woof:
Do you remember which Polks in particular you have experience with? I want the Polk MMs but they're a little pricey. Although I do put 100+ miles a day on it, good speakers will be worth the money...
Zomby inadvertently brings up a good point...
Listen before you buy.
While i recognize that the Infinity References are quality units, there's no way i would put them in my car. The tweeter feels like ice picks digging through my eardrum.
The Polk db-series are a little harsh to my ears as well, but for how cheap they are, they're acceptable.
chknhwk wrote:
In reply to madmallard:
Ah, thank you for pointing out the shortcomings with the MB Quartz, that helps a lot.
In reply to Zomby woof:
Do you remember which Polks in particular you have experience with? I want the Polk MMs but they're a little pricey. Although I do put 100+ miles a day on it, good speakers will be worth the money...
I'm going to guess it was the DBs...
I'm not a fan of the MMs, either, i like the SRs.
Check out CDT at if you want some serious bang for your buck. They often discount the "Classic" comps for $100. They're an excellent sounding speaker, though i would suggest an amp to go with. Your chance of powering any decent speaker well using stock stereo or a headunit are pretty slim.
Alpine makes it easy with their "power pack" if you aren't looking for a ton of power.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
While i recognize that the Infinity References are quality units, there's no way i would put them in my car. The tweeter feels like ice picks digging through my eardrum.
That's not the first time I've read that, but I think the only other time was from you too.
I'm kind of sensitive to harsh tweeters, and I don't hear that at all.
IR's should sound good, and really smooth on a stock head unit. They do in my truck, and did in my Z
I have infinity Kappas in my saab.. nothing wrong with them
My experience with Infinity speakers was similar if not quite as drastic as HalfTrac's, their sound was not as full and more tinny sounding than a comparably priced polk in the same size. In high school I used to work at circuit city so had an insane discount on car audio stuff. I was getting stuff for myself discounted, getting stuff for friends, so I got to hear a lot of different things, I went through a few items myself.
Granted, this was 10 years ago so consider that...
The best combo without an amp and reasonably priced was alpine headunit with polk speakers. I hooked a friend up with that combo and he put it in his 83 caprice. When he got a 2 door ford explorer he transferred all the stereo stuff over. I asked him a year or two ago if he still had that stereo, the headunit crapped out on him and he replaced it with a new alpine, still had the same speakers and apparently they still sound great.
I am always hesitant to run aftermarket speakers on a stock stereo, I thought most speakers blow not because you put too much power through them, but not enough. YMMV, every radio is different, etc....