Every time I look in the paper, on the web or watch the news it seems that people are doing the stupidest E36 M3 (McNugget 911, Raccoon wrastlin, transporting a pound of pot in your hiney). While in itself leads for pretty humorous water tank fodder I have taken notice that wherever any of these headlines happen I am indirectly attached to the geography. If it doesn't happen IN my back yard it happens in my OLD back yard or in a family members, good friends or more than general acquaintance...
Is the fact that they know me causing their neighborhoods to go to pot OR is it that I am most comfortable with the type of person that this may happen to?
stop watching the local news...
Seriously... watch the NATIONAL news so we can hear about Brangelina adopting another 3rd world baby, how what's her nuts can't get pregnant but looks AMAZING at 40, about why this ONE kidnapping is eleventy billion times more important than any other kidnapping that has ever happened, why Opra would make a great member of Congress/Senate, and how much porn companies are offering a used up mother of 784 children ludicrous amounts of money to appear in their movie, which will be entitled, "It IS a Clown Car."
Should i have used colons rather than commas in there? It looks suspiciously like a run-on sentence. Little help from the grammar police, please?
better solution......
don't watch the news, go work on the super caddy powered beetle. I want pics!
When the weather warms up enough for longer bike rides, I might....
3/4/09 10:09 a.m.
there are stupid people everywhere. I am not excuding myself in that statement.
GRTech's right, turn off the TV. The world will spin about its axis just fine regardless of whether Quasi Brown is aware or not.
Play with the kid, STOP working on the N* VW (I'll PM you why in a minute) and take a break. Stress over the things that are important, not what the Talking Heads say are important.
I for one have stopped paying attention to the stock market... i got tired of being depressed. ill check back in a year or so...
Apexcarver wrote:
I for one have stopped paying attention to the stock market... i got tired of being depressed. ill check back in a year or so...
I just pulled everything out, lost >$200,000.
I'm a little discouraged....
Apexcarver wrote:
I for one have stopped paying attention to the stock market... i got tired of being depressed. ill check back in a year or so...
You're kinda young like me right?
sorry for the older folks.. Geez that's gotta be painful..
I think right now you could buy the entire market on your Chase Mastercard and next year when Bromamas new world economy brings the stock market to 20,000 you can sell and pay the finance charge on the card!
John Brown wrote:
I think right now you could buy the entire market on your Chase Mastercard and next year when Bromamas new world economy brings the stock market to 20,000 you can sell and pay the finance charge on the card!
Brilliant! That's my plan for the future; hope there's some stocks left for me to buy after all you guys get finished.
I have a few hundered to throw at ford
neon4891 wrote:
I have a few hundered to throw at ford
I did.
GE UTX are insanely cheap right now. CMI is in the $20 range.. Bargain bargain bargain.
I want to throw some money at Ford as well. Walmart is doing well... Come on people, make your $ work for you(what you got left that is)..
edit: to be quite honest, I'm tired of those saying ohh what are we going to do now or whoa is me.. There's some heavy lifting to be done.. So caulk up bitches. It is time to start accepting what is going on as the "new reality" and move forward. Thinking about "what used to be" or " how great it was" will only make you sad and fritter away your time.. Remeber I'm freaking laid off with a baby on the way. no time for freaking out just get to work.
Sing it on the mountain sister.
John Brown wrote:
Sing it on the mountain sister.
I'm sorry but you're not my type..
3/4/09 1:51 p.m.
John Brown wrote:
I think right now you could buy the entire market on your Chase Mastercard and next year when Bromamas new world economy brings the stock market to 20,000 you can sell and pay the finance charge on the card!
And if for some reason all of this excessive spending of money we don't have doesn't save the day and make your investment work out, then you could just apply for a bailout and get your money back that way.
Fire up the presses, it's time to make some money.
TJ wrote:
John Brown wrote:
I think right now you could buy the entire market on your Chase Mastercard and next year when Bromamas new world economy brings the stock market to 20,000 you can sell and pay the finance charge on the card!
And if for some reason all of this excessive spending of money we don't have doesn't save the day and make your investment work out, then you could just apply for a bailout and get your money back that way.
Fire up the presses, it's time to make some money.
"Screw that let Chase shoulder the load" should be the new motto!
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
3/4/09 2:40 p.m.
Most of the stupid chit happens here in Central Florida.
John Brown wrote:
I think right now you could buy the entire market on your Chase Mastercard and next year when Bromamas new world economy brings the stock market to 20,000 you can sell and pay the finance charge on the card!
I just want to buy enough Sirius/XM stock to where I can program the stations myself.
TJ wrote:
John Brown wrote:
I think right now you could buy the entire market on your Chase Mastercard and next year when Bromamas new world economy brings the stock market to 20,000 you can sell and pay the finance charge on the card!
And if for some reason all of this excessive spending of money we don't have doesn't save the day and make your investment work out, then you could just apply for a bailout and get your money back that way.
Fire up the presses, it's time to make some money.
wow and that attitude will help.
Per Schroeder wrote:
Most of the stupid chit happens here in Central Florida.
Florida does have its very own tag on www.fark.com
the whole tone in D.C. was particularly nasty in the run up to the election - 100% Democrat. Absolutely vicious. I haven't read the Washington Post since election night because of it, and my life is remarkably better off for it. Don't watch the local news either, despite the recent murder on my block. Now I gotta get MSN off as my home page, and I'll really be free of all the negativity out there.