Yes, I can wipe my butt. And while I was on my BMX, I wasn't doing anything too BMX-y. The chain broke--just that simple--and I tried to roll with it. At least I didn't break my collarbone or mess up my hands. Glad I was wearing a helmet, because I did hear that sickening sound of plastic kissing asphalt.
The break happened pretty far up my arm, so they can't put a cast on it. It's just a sling and pain pills. (So if you notice anything weird in the next issue, you know why.)
How am I writing this? Speech to text. It's like we're living in the future. Fortunately it wasn't my mouse hand, either.
Two weeks down, and just about four more to go. So, anything exciting with you guys?
In reply to David S. Wallens:
I wondered how it happened, but didn't want to ask, just in case... 
Last time my chain broke i just broke my nuts. I guess i was lucky
patgizz wrote:
Last time my chain broke i just broke my nuts. I guess i was lucky
I guess I'll stay with my broken arm. Fortunately everyone at the magazine has been very accommodating, and I have been working from home. Margie even sent lunch, too. 
X-Rays? Come on, post 'em.
I broke my wrist when I fell off my BMX on the first day of summer when I was much younger. I got poison ivy on the same arm on the same day, which meant the poison ivy was under my cast. The bone I broke took forever to heal (3 casts) and I had a cast on all summer and into the next school year. I had to learn how to write with my left hand. The wrist is still weaker than my other one.
Dr. Hess wrote:
X-Rays? Come on, post 'em.
You know, I'm not even sure if we have a copy. I'll ask.
And I broke my wrist BMXing, too, about 30 years ago.
David S. Wallens wrote:
Yes, I can wipe my butt.
A good friend once showed up to my house with a broken arm back when I was first dating my future wife.
After a few minutes, I asked him can…you…um…(gesture of clenched fist moving up and down). Without hesitation, he displayed a perfect “I has a sad” facial expression and slowly shook his head no.
It was hilarious watching my future wife (who hadn’t spent much time around guys) turn totally beet red and be at a total loss for words.
Anyway, I’m really sorry about you injury.
I don't think we need to know any more about your "mouse hand".
And since I can't really tie my laces, I had to order these:

In reply to David S. Wallens:
At least they're not Crocs.
No set of shoes is complete without those. Though I didn't wait for such drastic motivation.
Hope you heal up well and fast!
And I hope my BMXing remains relatively uneventful... But more frequent.
Last broken bone I had was when a pedal broke on my Yamaha BMX. Broke my thumb and forefinger.
Heal fast!
Beer Baron wrote:
In reply to David S. Wallens:
At least they're not Crocs.
Both my arms worked last I checked.
I was trying to turn pro on a mountain bike 20 years ago.
Everybody I knew broke their collarbone riding. I tried to land awkwardly for an entire season. No broken bones..
5 years ago, I go skiing with my wife. I normally live for skiing off piste in the trees out west.
I broke my collarbone doing not a thing on the bunny slope at our home resort....
the tree doesn't fall too far from the apple.
Ransom wrote:
And I hope my BMXing remains relatively uneventful... But more frequent.
I'm eager to get back out there, but I realize that recovery is going to take a little while. Is it bad that I'm already eyeing a frame that I'd like to build? Also, my new guitar just arrived. Maybe in a month or so I can play it. Not sure when I'll be up for a track day--hopefully sooner rather than later.
I broke my thumb. Well, I didn't break it. The dumb berkeleying kid in the Jeep broke it when he rear ended me and totaled the Elise.
Take it easy, David. No wrenchin' fer you for a while. Or Miata driving. For bones to heal, they need:
Close approximation of the 2 parts.
No movement of the 2 parts.
Oh definitely, sir. No driving anything for a while--just taking it easy.
50 years in and I've yet to break a bone. I've had a couple of thousand stitches though. Glass and I didn't get along at all when I was younger. Months in casts waiting for nerves and tendons to heal.
Here is hoping everything heals where it is supposed to.
David S. Wallens wrote:
I'm eager to get back out there, but I realize that recovery is going to take a little while. Is it bad that I'm already eyeing a frame that I'd like to build?
Bad? You're in a better position to frame-shop than to ride right now, right? 
It wasn't your "mouse hand"? So that's what they are calling it nowadays.
In any case I would be ashamed to say that out loud. Stallion hand or Elephant hand would definitely be preferable.
The worst for me was a front wheel drop into a washout around a blind corner on my mountain bike, ten miles from the trailhead. Flew about fifteen feet OTB, landed on my right side, mangled the right elbow, complete with bone chips, and cracked 3 ribs.
Getting back to the trailhead took an eternity...
Ouch. The perils of being a grown up, our bones are more brittle than when we were young.
I broke a chain once, about 30 years ago and in addition to the nut-to-top-tube impact, the pedal spun around and caught the back of my right ankle and cub nearly into my Achilles' tendon. The nut pain was such that I didn't even notice the laceration until my mom saw blood when I walked back to the house. Cool scar though.