So I put my Jeep up for sale on Facebook Marketplace and Holy Crap do all the knuckle draggers come out of the woodwork.
I’ve seen you guys talk about Craigslist buyers and I didn’t expect FB people to be any better.
I’m selling a rusty winter beater for $900 and you would think I’m selling a rare barn find Dusenberg with the questions I’m being asked.
The virtual tire kicking lowballers and the idiots who can’t be bothered to read the ad are getting so bad that I don’t want to sell another car online again.
Don’t know how you guys do it.
Dammit that question mark wasn’t supposed to be in the title.
In reply to SyntheticBlinkerFluid :
Errant punctuation removed 
I don't know either, I've just got someone moaning that he'd have to drive 60 miles to score some cheap shop lights and wouldn't I be willing to meet him where he lives...
Honestly I seem to have a higher success rate and less hassle sticking things on CL, and that's saying something.
Facebook is losing its utility with me... If it weren't for my kids pictures on there.... I'd have a hard time staying...
Will you take $300? And can you deliver it? It's only 1800 miles.

My sister was selling a Swiffer wet mop thing that came bundled with a vacuum or something. She didn't need it because she already has one. This lady kept bugging her to deliver it 30 miles. My sister was asking $12.
This was on the FB marketplace thingy.
TL,DR People suck 
I think FBmarket is where the assclowns from C-list go when they get booted. I have never sold or bought anything on FB., not for a lack of effort.
Last summer I bought a set of used snow tires off FB Marketplace. It was a good deal and an equally good transaction. I thought wow, maybe there is finally a better alternative to CL. Subsequent dealings proved that sentiment very wrong.
Interestingly I see many of the same listings on both. For example a CL search for 4x100 wheels yields almost identical results on FB.
Mrs Logdog handles all non GRM listed internet sales. She has way more patience for it than I do and Facebook seems to be the most popular way right now. The last few things I listed here for Almonds Joys sold on Facebook for real monies.
Mndsm said:
Easy. I don't.
This is the answer. I have a couple of people I pay to sell stuff. Usually 10% of whatever they can sell it for.
I like selling online - its cheaper than a movie and far more entertaining. And once in a while I get a good deal or get to get rid of some stuff for a few bucks.
Basically don't go into it thinking its easy cash. If you never have to sell or buy something TODAY, there are deals to be had.
I strongly dislike Facebook marketplace.
Its far worse than craigslist. Far worse.
Ignore or delete the mouth-breathers.
just because they respond, doesn’t mean you need to respond.
Laugh at them and move on.
Here are a few of my rules that make it less of a headache for me:
- Write a detailed ad with answers to most of the questions I'd ask...even for junky cars.
- Don't respond to anyone asking something that is clearly stated in the ad.
- Don't respond to people that can't even put together a comprehensible text
- Don't respond to people making low offers or asking "What's the lowest you'll sell it for?" before seeing the car in person.
I've probably sold 20 cars on Craigslist/Facebook this way with minimal effort. Pretty sure I've always sold near my asking price to the first person that showed up.
Is it an XJ ?
They are so popular with a certain crowd that, yeah I would expect to attract a lot of... them.
Says the guy with a neighborhood full of jacked up, POS jeep xjs plastered with "unapologetically american" and "speak the language" stickers.
It was hilariously bad when i sold my 99 silverado. 2k for a 4wd truck brought all kinds of fun offers. I actually took a bit less money from a guy who didnt act like a dummy just too unload it and not have to deal with everyone else.
Well, I took my ad down from Facebook. I’m just tired of the lowballers And people who want to argue with me over an $900 vehicle because they’re going to have to put money into it.
I’m going to put an ad up on craigslist and see if that works out a little better.
I've not had much luck with selling things locally, but I've been using FB Marketplace more than Craigslist to buy things, because there's no local CL for my town. I've still dealt with people that won't respond and such, but not too many of them. For selling things, I usually use eBay. There are several FB groups here that are slightly better than just posting the ad on Marketplace, but they aren't much better.
Lately, I've been making extra spending money by buying old car audio amps locally and selling them on eBay.
My last two toys, S52 E30 and Miata track rat...........were parted and sold, the bodies hauled off to the scrap yard.
I would typically sell stuff stupid cheap to locals/guys in the group, or just throw stuff away instead of dealing with the general public/CL.
I've had really good transactions on Craigslist, but I usually feel people out, starting with the way they reply.
Also I enjoy berking with the knuckle draggers and bottom feeders. I can waste hours of their time before they get the message. It is thoroughly satisfying.
2/8/18 8:05 a.m.
It's certianly hit or miss. I just had a good experience selling some video game stuff on FB I had not touched in years. I was going to just throw it out but decided to toss it up on there to see what happens. A lady messaged me and picked it up from my office the next day, arrived a little early, and handed me cash for the full asking price. I was very surprised...
Yeah I don't do FB market anymore. Those people suck way way more then Craigslist.
I think you do get more BS people with selling on FB vs craigslist. I usually list stuff im selling on both sites and recently it seems like i've sold more through FB and i think it's due to being able to also list it in local buy/sell/trade pages (since im not in a main craigslist city) and also list it on item specific groups like LSx parts.
I can also tell you FB is a great way to have people come pick up your old junk for free. I had an old busted riding mower that wasn't worth its weight in scrap. I listed it the morning we were moving to our new house because i didnt want to bring it with us, 2 hours later 3 dudes came and loaded into the back of an s10. Same with an old refrigerator that was left at our new house after we moved in, about 45 minutes after listing it had someone come load it up.
Ian F
2/8/18 8:42 a.m.
I've only bought a car on FB and so far haven't sold any. Managed to pick up a Jetta wagon parts car the same color as my TDI for $600. I was happy with that and the seller wasn't too difficult to deal with. I have bought and sold a ton of guitar and bicycle stuff on FB.
I bought my E-350 conversion van off CL and it wasn't any more difficult than any other private sale I've done. Likewise when I sold my Cummins a few years ago.
But all of that said, I definitely dread selling stuff online. The easiest is eBay, but I make sure to already have the item packaged and ready to ship before listing so I can use eBay's automated shipping system. Yes, eBay fees suck, but you do tend to get a return in less hassle.