3/26/10 11:00 p.m.
wbjones wrote:
oldsaw wrote:
wbjones wrote:
I must be old... I don't know anything about any of these...
How about Clutch Cargo or Johnny Quest? Ever read the Tom Swift books?
Tom Swift... him ... seems to stir some long dead brain cells...
mine were Mighty Mouse, RoadRunner, Bugs, WoodyWoodPecker, Tom & Jerry ... good ol stuff like that ... pity the kids that don't get to see those shows
Kids can't watch that kind of stuff now; they will grow up and become desensitized, abusive, sexist, racist mass-murderers.
Clutch, in action (pun intended):
The intro to each Jonny Quest episode:
Here's a list of Tom Jr's adventure stories - he had some cool toys:
In reply to wbjones:
Tom & Jerry, 1p Eastern weekdays on Cartoon Network. Check your local listings.
Also, they move it back and forth every coulple of months, ranging from approx 9a to 2p
Makes me happy that every time the new (ex-Nickelodeon, actually) execs try to take it off the air, they have to clear additional storage space for the hate mail.
Cable TV is doing exactly what FM radio did 25 years ago..everyone chasing the same market instead of attempting to serve different niches. Everything will eventually look the same, and audiences will be half of what they were beforehand.
Somebody already posted the Jonny Quest theme, so I'll just add the old "Time is Running Out" interstitial that CTN made. I can't find the original, this is the one that airs on Boomerang these days.
3/27/10 5:18 p.m.
I read a lot of Tom Swift books, both the Jr versions written in the '50s and '60s by the original author's daughter, and also the original pre-WWI versions all written between about 1905 and 1915 featuring Tom Swift (the character who (duh) became TS Jr's dad). Both sets were great, the originals in a real Jules Verne/HG Welles sort of way, and the second version in a Tom Corbet - Space Cadet kind of way.
I also had a handful of post-WWII adventure stories about a young guy named Rick Brant and his ex-marine pal Scottie. I wanted to be those guys in the worst way. Rick started out with a piper Cub he bought with money from mowing lawns and helping old ladies across the street, and graduated to a Cessna Skywagon later in the series.
I read pretty much all of the Hardy Boys books when I was a kid.

the Hardy Boys was what started me down the rd of books... more than 1500 in my personal library now...
3/28/10 11:26 a.m.
I've read almost all the Hardy Boys books--that goes from the originals to the ones that have been written since, and quite a few of the Tom Swift.
Another book collection that fueled my imagination: Willard Price's "The Adventure" series.
After school, I walked to the local library, wandered through the stacks and read just everything that caught my interests. I was absorbed for hours, at least until Mom said it was time to go home.
It was great that she was a librarian!
The cool thing about Rick Brant's family & associates was that they had their own island, complete with lab and airstrip. MUCH more realistic than the Thunderbirds: the Brants did Real Science.
3/28/10 8:03 p.m.
Stealthtercel wrote:
The cool thing about Rick Brant's family & associates was that they had their own island, complete with lab and airstrip. MUCH more realistic than the Thunderbirds: the Brants did Real Science.
YEAH! Someone else who's read those books. I believe many of them are back in print. I may have to pick up a few and re-read 'em to relive childhood memories. They were not terribly juvenile, either - definitely written for a younger, whitebread audience, but not childish at all.
I am happy to say that I have the two Thunderbirds movies they did from the original series and my 4 year old son loves them.
not necessarily a children's show, but watching old Hogan's Heroes reruns on TVland is great entertainment, and this is coming from a 16 year old
same thing with old Three Stooges episodes, great way to kill a few hours if Spike decides to do a marathon
Has anyone noticed that there is no Saturday morning cartoons anymore? WTF? I woke up to the Today show on Saturday. Didn't know that was so hot with the kids.
My son loves watching Tom & Jerry, Looney Toons on Cartoon Network during lunch. I loved those days too.
Thunder, thunder, thunderCATS HOOOOO!
Justice League
Danger Mouse
Transformers (original)
Jonny Quest kicked ass.
The real one, not that feminized retread crap.
New Reader
4/1/10 8:31 a.m.
"Savoir Faire is everywhere!"
CivicSiRacer wrote:
My son loves watching Tom & Jerry, Looney Toons on Cartoon Network during lunch. I loved those days too.
more crap
total crap
Danger Mouse FTW
are you serious
Please note my avatar
He's the greatest
He's fantastic
Wherever there's danger he'll be there
He's the ace
He's amazing
He's the strongest he's the quickest he's the best
Danger Mouse
Danger Mouse
He's the greatest
He's fantastic
Wherever there's danger he'll be there
He's the ace
He's amazing
He's the strongest he's the quickest he's the best
Danger Mouse
He's terrific
He's magnific
He's the greatest secret agent in the world
Danger Mouse
Power House
He's the fastest he's the greatest he's the best
Danger Mouse
Danger Mouse
stroker wrote:
Jonny Quest kicked ass.
The real one, not that feminized retread crap.
Appleseed wrote:
Has anyone noticed that there is no Saturday morning cartoons anymore? WTF? I woke up to the Today show on Saturday. Didn't know that was so hot with the kids.
Yeah, what's up with that?
I was a child of the '80s, so I had the greatest cartoon line-up known to man: Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats, M.A.S.K., and then a little later, X-Men.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
As a little kid I just assumed Thunderbirds was an American series as that's where all cool sci-fi came from!! When I moved here and found that no one had ever heard of it I was amazed.
Oh, Marjorie, no matter what you think Thunderbirds was about a million times better than Stingray.
Back on topic.
Perhaps it was an age thing, Adrian, because everyone my age and a little younger were into Thunderbirds. The whole toy line was available in the US. The series was in color as well, unlike Supercar which was my favorite. My five-year-old self had a crush on the blonde in Supercar whose name escapes me. She and Cruella DeVille. Wow, that explains so much.
Jensenman wrote:
minimac wrote:
How 'bout Snagglepuss?
'Sssufferin' succotash!'
First openly gay character on TV.
A friend of mine told me about this site: http://librivox.org/. I pulled down a bunch of books to listen to on my way back from VA a couple of weeks ago, one was a Tom Swift. Good stuff.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Jensenman wrote:
minimac wrote:
How 'bout Snagglepuss?
'Sssufferin' succotash!'
First openly gay character on TV.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. 
He paved the way for