This was in The Chicago Tribune today so it must be news worthy of quality......."Laptops can lead to testicular heating"
But I Found this more interesting........."Man allegedly drank vodka from flask while driving in rush hour"
He said he didn’t believe he had a drinking problem, but sometimes he drinks while he is driving and while at work because of stress.
I wonder who came up with the probe to measure "scrotal temperature elevation" 
In Aruba, you can buy single beers at the corner store, and drink them while driving.
That's only one of the reasons I'm moving there.
I remember the liquor store drive thru windows in Florida had DRAFT beer!
So, Doug Clark, its come to this?

11/10/10 9:15 p.m.
This summer I drove from one end of the sailing club to the other (all private property) with an open beer between my legs. It was odd as I realized this was pretty common to me 25 yrs ago.
Up until 10 or 15 years ago it was legal in Indiana to drink while driving as long as you were under .04.
Isn't is still legal in Texas?
Ann Arbor used to have a drive through liquor store. It's still there, but hey closed the drive through bit
lizard wrote:
Many moons ago before the organization known as MAAD got very popular, you could have 1 less open container than the number of occupants in a car in NC. Of course the one person who couldn't have one was the driver...
I believe that's still the rule in Indiana.
11/11/10 9:04 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
Isn't is still legal in Texas?
Ann Arbor used to have a drive through liquor store. It's still there, but hey closed the drive through bit
used to be, then louisiana was the last state around here to allow open containers, even if you were driving, you just couldn't be drunk, but even they've changed the law now.
Funny they did not mention his occupation, I bet he worked at the Post Office.