it's one of those weird things. I drove it over to the mechanic who did the work today.. and it was running fine. Still a little warmer than I like (but within specs) and the engine oil light never came in.. even with 2 minutes of idling.
When he gets back tomorrow, he is going to put a gage on it to see what the oil pressure is really doing.
Figures. Show the mechanic the problem and it goes away...
Good luck man. I hope it's something simple.
Sucky, sucky. That sucks.
After a back and forth from my Mechanic with Atlantic British, things seem to be working out. Engine was one of several shipped with a bad oilpump. Supposedly they have had a run of them from the builder.
It does explain why the engine was putting out 2psi at idle and why there was metal bits in the oil.
AB is paying my mechanic an hour for diagnostic and 3 1/2 for the repair
mad_machine wrote:
After a back and forth from my Mechanic with Atlantic British, things seem to be working out. Engine was one of several shipped with a bad oilpump. Supposedly they have had a run of them from the builder.
It does explain why the engine was putting out 2psi at idle and why there was metal bits in the oil.
AB is paying my mechanic an hour for diagnostic and 3 1/2 for the repair
So.... is the mechanic going to be able to remove, clean, and replace an engine in a total of 4.5 hours?
well.. that waits to be seen.. but he seems to think that no damage was done to the engine at this point. Still have a year on the warrenty
5/29/15 1:12 p.m.
There was metal in the came from somewhere. Damage has been done.
metal is from the oilpump. That was the issue they were having. The gears are self machining.
Trust me, I will be keeping a close eye on this. Any more signs of trouble and I will be dropping my rover off on AB's doorstep with the instructions of "fix it"
mad_machine wrote:
well.. that waits to be seen.. but he seems to think that no damage was done to the engine at this point. Still have a year on the warrenty
I'm glad he thinks that, but I'd be asking for a replacement engine. Extremely low oil pressure on a new motor is not a good thing. It may make it through the year (warranty), but I'd think that the long-term longevity (which is why you shelled out the money) is severely compromised.
No way i'd roll over on this. You paid a E36 M3load of money for a motor that has now had low oil pressure and metal run through it. No dice.
Any follow up on this?
Did you get a new motor? As others have said new motor with low oil pressure and metal running through it would have me demanding a new motor or a 5 year 100k warranty (what ever comes last).
Yes eleventy billion to all of the above.
For that kind of money I would have bought a cherry-clean 10 year old Expedition with all the options to tow more. There's no way I'd settle for replacing an oil pump after an engine is running even the least bit out of sorts and showing a low oil pressure light.
EDIT: Sorry, didn't notice the date gap. So how IS it doing?
The metal is my big worry. Low oil pressure is not the end of the world especially if it was driven with care as a new motor should be. Bits of metal are my worry. It is like running liquid sand paper over all the ware surfaces. The only hope is that the filter got it all. If this can be verified then I would be less worried. I assume the pan comes off for a new oil pump? If so a bearing inspection would be in order. If the filter did its job and the bearings check out he really should be good to go. Another thing to look at if the pan does not come off for a oil pump is pull a valve cover and look for metal. If it is clean the odds are the filter did its job and the motor should be ok. This really is a case where having a top shelf filter could save a motor.
7/15/15 11:50 a.m.
so you'd recommend that he use Fram ? 
it's been running great.. once I got all the crap out of the cooling passages. I posted up about that too. Coolant got extremely dirty and stopped cooling. A flush pushed out a ton of machining and cleaning fluids from the cooling system. Been two weeks on straight distilled, just draining it today and it came out with a very slight off colour look to it. Like half a cup of apple juice was poured into two gallons of water.
I personally wish I knew who Atlantic British got their engines from, I would -not- recommend them. If I have any more issues, my disco is getting driven (or towed) up to their doorstep in NY and I am having them fix it
I didn't realize that they still made filters