My Dad passed away several months ago. I was subsequently asked by my Mother to sell his car. I picked it up a while back, and brought it to my shop to go over it and make sure everything is as it should be before selling it.
So I'm going through the glove compartment and I find a baggy with a goodly amount of white powdery stuff in it. Now, I've been battling with my younger sister about this car, because she for some reason thinks it should be given to her, and as such she has asked for it back. My Dad didn't drive it for about the last 10 months of his life, but my sister did. I'm now wondering what the real reason is that she wants it back. I have no idea what this substance is, but it has no smell and tastes bad. What should I do?
3/18/15 7:44 a.m.
Yikes. I wouldn't post about it on the internet, or at least pretend this is a hypothetical situation.
How is your relationship with your sister? I guess I would say to ask her about it and see what she says.
I would dispose of the substance in question and quick...
3/18/15 7:52 a.m.
If it were me, I'd find out, without googling, how to get rid of it safely. Then I'd call sis and have a talk. Be coy and see if you can get her to admit it, say you just got it detailed and threw everything away or something and see her reaction.
3/18/15 7:53 a.m.
and seriously quit putting unknown E36 M3 in your mouth
I think it would go down the toilet and the bag would be burned in a small bonfire in the back yard. And I would have a new understanding about my sister. Hypothetically.
Well, now you know what unknown stuff in a baggie tastes like. 
Pitch it in the manner of your choosing. Tell your sister you threw away a bunch of crap from dad's car. The end.
Not enough info... get a rolled up dollar bill and snort up a bunch of the stuff. Describe how it makes you feel. We should be able to help then.
Does it hypothetically taste like what chewing an aspirin tastes like?
3/18/15 8:02 a.m.
careful throwing it away, flushing may introduce it to your water treatment plant with undesirable results.
That sounds suckish.

Then change any locks that she may have keys to, lest she try to use your stuff to feed her habit.
3/18/15 8:08 a.m.
Any other siblings in the equation?
Thanks for the responses. To address a couple of them:
- Yes, I probably should have made it a hypothetical, but oh well.
- I don't have a good relationship with my sister. We talk, but barely. I don't have any reason to think this substance is illegal, but I also haven't known her than well for the past 20 years or so, so who knows.
- I was thinking about trying to find out what it is. NOBODY here mentioned that, so I'm now thinking maybe that's not a good idea? The reason I want to know is that depending on what it is, it may be cause for following up with her and helping her with a potential problem. If I just throw it out I'll never know.
- I do have an older sister as well. My relationship with her is better, but still delicate. We've been through a lot in the past couple years with our parents both being ill, and the stress/tension of it all has gotten the better of us at times.
So, don't find out what it is?
3/18/15 8:21 a.m.
Problem is, how do you find out what it is?
Hypothetically, I'd burn the stuff and the baggie, I wouldn't flush it. Then change the locks. Sis may or may not be the owner of said stuff so I wouldn't open that can of worms.
Oh, and I agree: don't be tasting any unknown baggie powder.
In reply to mtn:
Well, I don't know. That was one of the reasons I asked here.
In reply to bravenrace:
Well, do you have any friends/coworkers with a "colorful" past? I know a couple people who I'm sure could ID such a substance based on previous experience, maybe you do too?
In reply to Curmudgeon:
The car is locked up in my shop, so she can't just come and get it.
I wouldn't bother trying to find out, just get rid of it quick. If it is something illegal there's nothing but trouble ahead in trying to find out.
All of us do things others know nothing of. This is what comes of having to go through the pockets and drawers of dead relatives and friends. It can be surprising, embarrassing, painful and sometimes funny.
Way I see it, you've got essentially two choices.
Choice #1 is to dispose of the baggie and forget it. Really forget it. No need to know who's it was or what it was. Just detritus of life and worth no more thought.
Choice #2, toss it to your sister while asking if this is what she really wanted the vehicle for. Watch her face, while keeping a sense of humor. Though remember, it actually could be your dads. All of us do things others no nothing of.
Either way, let it go. Don't linger on the baggie. It's not worth the pain it will cost you.
In reply to Curmudgeon:
So you don't think I could go to my town's police department, tell them the truth (except leave my sister out of it), and have them determine what it is?
In reply to foxtrapper:
Its not my Dad's. No question.